North Korea LoveFest

For the second time in two months, my heart is with the North Korean football (soccer) team.

News reports say the team – which turned in a gutsy and sportsmanlike performance at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa – and its coach have been publicly shamed in a 6-hour harangue by party officials and ministers. As the Telegraph wrote:

The players were subjected to a “grand debate” on July 2 because they failed in their “ideological struggle” to succeed in South Africa, Radio Free Asia and South Korean media reported.

The team’s coach, Kim Jong-hun, was reportedly forced to become a builder and has been expelled from the Workers’ Party of Korea.

The coach was punished for “betraying” Kim Jong-un – one of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il’s sons and heir apparent.

Following ideological criticism, the players were then allegedly forced to blame the coach for their defeats.

Sure North Korea went out in the first round.

Yes, they lost miserably to Portugal 7- 0.

And, yes, *sigh* it is hardly surprising

to hear the North Korean regime express displeasure.

But the truth is that the ruling cadres are just missing the point.

Continue reading North Korea LoveFest

Fangs for a Cause?

Why is True Blood better than Twilight? And why should you care?

I’ve got a whole list of reasons why True Blood wins the (a-HEM) day.

And unless you are living under a rock, in a cave, or in Tora Bora … wait. That’s caves too …. Well, you know what I mean …. Vampires are everywhere! It’s unavoidable once the sun goes down.

So if you are going to be held captive by the undead, you might as well go with the vamps that actually have something to say besides “I vant to suck your blood.”

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Voices of the Year represent an amazing community

The unthinkable has happened!

I am a 2010 BlogHer Voice of the Year finalist!!!

I can’t even type that without letting out an ear-splitting “squeeeeee!” and sending our cats – yet again – scurrying for the safety of the nearest closet. Actually, our cats have taken up semi-permanent residence (alternately) on the ceiling, in the closet and under the bed from the incessant screaming since I found out that somehow I made the finalist list.

If this keeps up, I predict a visit to the vet’s office to get some anxiety pills for our beloved felines.

(And I’ll be asking the vet to send the bill to BlogHer.)

Continue reading Voices of the Year represent an amazing community

Depp Chronicles

So who would I want to be if I were a middle-aged male?

And why the heck should you care?

The first answer is easy: Johnny Depp

The second answer is slightly more complex: As I start the approach to the beginning of something that might in a few years be considered to perhaps be middle-aged, (oh shut up…. just bear with me) I often wonder how and whether I am using my natural talents to make this world a better place. This question is something that should be a central aspect to our thinking as we grow, for every single one of us has a contribution to make – large, small and everything in between – to our global community.

…. Ummmm, and yes, I did call Johnny Depp middle-aged (he’s 47 actually) …. And why am I thinking about being a man? Because I live in the real world, and in the real world, men still continue – for the most part – to drive the future strategy for our species …. *ducks and runs for cover*

So why Johnny Depp?  (Beside the fact that he is not a politician?)

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A World Cup to Remember

It went down to the wire….. My pre-tournie pick to win – The Netherlands – fell to a well-deserving side from Spain in an extremely “colorful” nail-biter of a final match.

No doubt the real winner of the 2010 FIFA World Cup was Africa. As former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the BBC:

South Africans should be proud of what they have produced. It’s been an organisational and logistical feat, some doubted them but they’ve proven them wrong and it’s also been good for the continent.

We have proven we can organise, we have proven we can receive, welcome and make people feel at home. And I think people have also discovered there’s another side of Africa.

South Africa did an amazing job welcoming the world’s football fans and putting on a great show. The tournament itself was a treat – with some amazing matches, phenomenal play and quite a few refereeing controversies.

Continue reading A World Cup to Remember

Vuvuzela Dogpound?!?!

So here we are … the morn of the 2010 World Cup semifinals.

For football fans, this is the week we relish when it comes along every four years. For World Cup haters, it means the torture is almost over (and I’ve got a special treat for you, just to get you through.)

The Netherlandsmy pre-tournie pick to win – is going to square off on the pitch against spunky Uruguay and my new football fave Diego Forlan. Tomorrow Germany will face off against Spain.

The first match will hurt no matter what, because I want both teams to win. The second is clear cut – Spain all the way. (Though to be honest, the Germans are looking mighty tough so far.)

There have been some seriously amazing – and some not so amazing – moments during this tournament that will keep football fans talking until the next World Cup. I’m thinking:

Continue reading Vuvuzela Dogpound?!?!

Crafty Cranes and Tykes for Turtles

Alfred Hitchcock had it right.

After two months of Gulf Coast oil spill-inspired volunteering at the seabird sanctuary and hospital, I have come to the conclusion that Hitchcock’s The Birds (story by Daphne Du Maurier) is no fiction. More probably, it is an unauthorized biography of some poor fool who thought helping birds at his or her local sanctuary was a relaxing feel-good way to fulfill civic responsibility.

No, the truth is, the birds are out to get us! Or, at least me ….

Now why would this animal loving, 2 cats in the family, avid campaigner against animal abuse and careless environmental degradation say such a thing?!?

Continue reading Crafty Cranes and Tykes for Turtles

“Human” response to the zombie apocalypse

If a shambling horde has set up camp outside your front and back doors, it is probably a bit late to think about preparations for a zombie infestation.

Grab yourself a backpack (toss in some canned food, first aid supplies, whatever prescriptions you’re taking), as much potable water as you have canisters for and a pillow, and climb up into your attic or crawlspace … and hope for the best.

If the living dead have not yet overrun your city, you have some time to really think about what you will do to survive the apocalypse.

Only those who seriously consider the future and act to plan for it now have any chance at survival. And like I said before, as with any issue facing the human race – poverty, hunger, human rights, the environment — we are stronger if we stick together.

Here are a few things to consider as you craft a plan to stay alive:

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Worldwide zombie infestations begin …

The zombie hordes have invaded our cities. No one is safe. The shambling rotting corpses are everywhere!!!! A zombie apocalypse has begun.

As the infestations spread across borders a growing number of vigilant citizens around the world are taking up arms to battle back the hordes. Our only hope as a species – as it has always been – lies in putting aside our individual differences in favor of cooperating for the whole.

Since the beginning of June, the world has been in the grip of an all-out “braiiiiiins fest” that erupted after years of growing Hollywood, gamer and novel obsession with the living dead.

Those of you who dismissed my early warnings may have been laughing then …. well you’re likely to find yourselves dinner shortly.

But don’t take my word for it. Examine the evidence yourself.

Continue reading Worldwide zombie infestations begin …

The Real World Champions

The battle lines are drawn. Tension is running high. Passion is only slightly behind. The world is abuzz with the vuvuzela. We are on the verge of the first knock-outs of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

As football (soccer) fans around the world gear up to roar their chosen sides onto victory, there is one team people around the world should all be rooting for:

Stand Up United


This side, put together by the world’s largest grassroots human rights organization Amnesty International, features a roster of true heroes – individuals who see wrong in the world around them and choose to stand up and act.

Continue reading The Real World Champions