When did Le Freak become Le Norm?

There was a time when my magenta hair, black leather biker jacket, combat boots and black fingernail polish made me a bonfide freak…. At least in the eyes of my parents’ friends.



I just liked what I liked. And odd?



Well, sure, if you count that my favorite music was Metallica and Mozart, and my favorite books Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes mysteries. And, yes, ok so my love for Ziggy Stardust and weekends that included a backpack full of toilet paper, rice and a squirt gun for the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show might have gone a titch outside the boundaries of normal.

Continue reading When did Le Freak become Le Norm?

My Favorite Freaky Things

Ok, so I may not win the 2010 prize for originality, but given the onslaught of #lefreak into mainstream pop culture, the following seemed only appropriate for an All Hallows’ Eve.

With no offense intended toward the incredible Julie Andrews or the Sound of Music, here is my version of …. My Favorite Things



Bloodstains on collars and entrails on the outside

Fangs on a Skarsgard and a Zombieland thrill ride

Jamie Lee Curtis cowering in a closet

These are a few of my favorite things


Continue reading My Favorite Freaky Things

“Night” I joined the Zombination

Now most of you know I pride myself on my Horror-dentials and love the fact that I am the head of my very own (self-created) #zombiesurvivalcrew 

(yes, I’m serious … and yeah, go ahead and laugh …. Just don’t come crying when the zombie apocalypse begins!).

… but I wasn’t always the brave, uber-organized, escape-plan-packed-in-boxes-in-the-garage zombiephone …

And so I shall kick off my Halloween week observance with a tip of my hat to the man who first scared me silly, … the one, the only ….

George Romero


It was, of course, a night or two before Halloween … one of those years where most of the leaves on the towering Buffalo trees had changed colors and fallen to leave the ground crunching under your feet.  The kind of night that would send every gust of wind sneaking in through the seams of my jacket to tickle the hairs on my arms. In other words, a perfect atmospheric storm of spooky!

Continue reading “Night” I joined the Zombination

The Great Movie Mystery

I love movies. Good movies, bad movies, funny movies, stupid movies. I have a (annoying?) tendency to see movies I love over and over. And I have a bizarre quirk of remembering actors and movies that most people have forgotten (usually for good reason).

I am particularly partial to horror movies (surprise, surprise) and pride myself on having seen some of the worst ever made. I bet you can see what’s coming ….

A couple days ago I had a conversation with friends about a movie they once saw, but cannot remember the name of … and I have not been able to identify it.

I will be immensely grateful if anyone out there can name this movie for me!

To sweeten the offer, the first person to figure it out will get some Halloween candy via post! (Only U.S.-based please, for custom reasons, but everyone is welcome to lend a hand if they want!) If you know the movie please leave a comment and tell me what it is!

Continue reading The Great Movie Mystery

Truth About Fortune

When I was a child my mother used to say:  “if you can’t say anything nice, better to say nothing at all” (or some variation of that). It seems, dear readers, that mamma knew exactly what she was talking about…. And I’d like to finish this opening with a shout out of thanks to the universe for knowing precisely when to shut its yap.

Let’s examine the evidence….

Continue reading Truth About Fortune

Two plus two equals …?

Now I’m no genius when it comes to math — in fact, during my junior year in high school, I actually needed extra help with the coursework (which is why my university major had NOTHING to do with math or science)  – but I’m no dummy either. Still I can’t quite seem to wrap my head around the math behind recent experiences with Budget Rent a Car (a.k.a. @BudgetRAC)

Continue reading Two plus two equals …?

The Answers ARE Here

Every once in a while one of those tag-every-blogger-you-know-and-hope-they-respond challenges floats through my inbox. While they are always amusing and sometimes intriguing, the requests usually fall into the Internet void of my overcrowded inbox – left to languish until some faraway day when, during a spell of frenzied cleaning I happen upon them and… “oh yeahhhhhh.”

Well, not this time!

I got the ole tag-a-roo from my good Twal @kysilka, author of the ever-delightful It’s All Good If You Can Laugh.

The Challenge?

Answer one of the following: Why do you write? Or 10 reasons why should people read your blog.

I chose “10 Reasons” because I thought if I cannot come up with a solid answer, then I need to rethink the why, what and how of my personal blog-ventures.

And here is where I landed:

  1. Global Citizen, my little contribution to the blogosphere, will keep you informed on issues that are important to all of us as members of the global family – and provide information and action items you can use on the issues that matter most to you.
  2.  Who is Luis Moreno-Ocampo? What does UDHR stand for? And, where in the world you can find Goma? Most normal people probably have no idea. Well, for good or ill, I do without looking to Google for a single second and I can tell you why it all matters.
  3.  I spent 12 years living “overseas” working in war zones in the Balkans, South Asia and the Middle East. So many of the places, people, cultures I write about, I write from having experienced them first hand.
  4.  I can relate zombies and vampires to anything. Don’t believe me? Try this one on for size. Still not convinced? Challenge me, go ahead …. Just remember the stakes (see reason below)
  5.  I am a woman with a plan. Not for global domination. Oh no, no, no. Something far more important. I am the unofficial leader of the #zombiesurvivalcrew and as such am fully prepared with a battle plan for the zombie apocalypse.  I also – on occasion – will divulge strategic planning tips (like these) on my blog.
  6.  I stand for free speech, the protection of rights for us all, and a kinder, gentler world…oh! And, of course, the assault of furry monsters!
  7.  I am, according to TBFF @AspiringMama, THE AWESOME. And because I first laughed – then loved – the moniker, I’m going to run with it.
  8.  Write not for numbers but to make a difference, which (again) according to @AspiringMama brings us back to the previous answer ….a-hem. *pause for dramatic effect*
  9.  You can say you “knew me when.” What does that mean? I’m not sure, but it sounds good!
  10.  I listen … so let me know why you read my blog, what you like, what you don’t like and whether or not you think I have lost my mind …

Lost – the new series


It’s official.

The producers, directors, and everyone else in charge of

my two favorite television shows have lost their minds.


First up – the show I still have hope for. True Blood.

Last night, we watched Eric Northman stroll out into the sun and certain death in a bid to defeat Russell Edgington. The problem here is that Northman, played by Alexander Skarsgard is the best character/actor/casting-combo on the show.

If Eric does not survive the season finale (which HBO just had to postpone for two weeks) it is likely True Blood will lose a lot of viewers …. Including me. For the record, I do not actually believe Eric will cease to exist ….not because I have read the books on which the series is based, but because it would be numbers suicide for the show. I just felt the need to express myself on that particular plot development.


Now for the second –

 Dancing with the Stars which announced the line up for the new season yesterday.

Continue reading Lost – the new series

Will you Skip Your Starbucks?


My regular readers know I am a big (figuratively and literally) proponent of not only speaking out publicly on the issues that matter to you as an individual, but of going a step further to actually do something about them. Well, dear readers (*waves* at all three of them… *snort*), today is no different.


Because it’s Skip A Starbucks Day!!!

 And those of you who read this blog regularly (see my assault on Elmo) or know me, know just how important my morning coffee is!!!

Sometimes the issues we are asked to act on are very obviously global – like the right to water or campaigning for an international climate treaty.

Sometimes the issues – like the flooding tragedy in Pakistan – force us to examine in ourselves and those around us what we really believe to be our common humanity.

And sometimes, when fortune is smiling, we get the opportunity to reach out a helping hand and profoundly change the lives of a few individuals – to really do something tangible that contributes to making this world just a little bit nicer for everyone.

@CJRedwine and her family are nearing the end of a five-year journey to adopt a baby girl from China. Delays in the process caused by broader geopolitical concerns of the Chinese government have cost the family time, heartache and additional expense. The waiting, refilling and increased costs have eroded the family’s financial cushion. Now with their long-awaited goal finally in sight, the family is in need of help to bring their little girl – Joanna Faith — home.

Thus, Skip A Starbucks Day (which actually runs August 23 – 26)!

Continue reading Will you Skip Your Starbucks?

Blog(h)er Smackdown – Take 2


What’s that old saying? People who live in glass houses really shouldn’t look in the mirror?!? … well, something like that …

No matter how realistically you think you view yourself, there are certain aspects of our individual nature or personality that we all like to ignore or hide away from the general public.

Trouble is, sometimes life forces you to look in the mirror and find an ugly truth. *sigh*

Sometimes the knowledge comes courtesy of a friend. Sometimes it comes courtesy of a life event.

And sometimes, just sometimes, it comes compliments of a 6-foot tall red furry monster that is supposed to be teaching babies and toddlers, not 30-something year olds, about the world.

Continue reading Blog(h)er Smackdown – Take 2