When did Le Freak become Le Norm?

There was a time when my magenta hair, black leather biker jacket, combat boots and black fingernail polish made me a bonfide freak…. At least in the eyes of my parents’ friends.



I just liked what I liked. And odd?



Well, sure, if you count that my favorite music was Metallica and Mozart, and my favorite books Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes mysteries. And, yes, ok so my love for Ziggy Stardust and weekends that included a backpack full of toilet paper, rice and a squirt gun for the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show might have gone a titch outside the boundaries of normal.

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My Favorite Freaky Things

Ok, so I may not win the 2010 prize for originality, but given the onslaught of #lefreak into mainstream pop culture, the following seemed only appropriate for an All Hallows’ Eve.

With no offense intended toward the incredible Julie Andrews or the Sound of Music, here is my version of …. My Favorite Things



Bloodstains on collars and entrails on the outside

Fangs on a Skarsgard and a Zombieland thrill ride

Jamie Lee Curtis cowering in a closet

These are a few of my favorite things


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