Mad, mad love to Robert “IronE” Singleton
– TDog on AMC’s hit television show The Walking Dead –
for taking on the #zombiesurvivalcrew in this epic battle to the death of his fingers!!

He took all of the, ummmm, creative questions – including a last minute entry from me (bow, scrape, beg) — and did it up hard core in true #zombiesurvivalcrew style!!! He even added a special message for all the crew at the end!
I had a blast reading through his responses and was truly impressed with the obvious time and thought he put into his answers – and his quirky sense of humor. IronE, you are DEFINITELY #zombiesurvivalcrew material man and we are very, very happy to have you officially on the bus!
So, without further ado ……
Juliette/@jterzieff – In my work I constantly urge every individual to stand up and make their voice heard on the issues that matter to them personally whatever they may be — free speech, women’s rights, political repression in Burma, illiteracy, offshore oil drilling, hunger, etc. What issues do you feel particularly strong about? And do you believe it is important for every individual to make a contribution to solving our collective challenges?
IronE: I believe that change starts from within and manifests itself from without. I think that it is necessary for each and every individual to focus on becoming a better person, because we can’t control other peoples actions. …only our own. As we do that, we build credibility, people recognize and respect it, and want to do the same for themselves. In turn, they make more humane decisions and the world becomes a better place. Having said that, I feel strongly about each issue you mentioned and then some. And yes, I feel that each individual has an obligation to make a contribution 1st through how he/she lives, which can then serve as an example for others.
@actingnodrama – I love that Mr. Singleton is doing this. What an amazing way to reach out to the fans in a creative way. I’ll have to think long and hard about my question. Don’t want to waste the opportunity
IronE: It’s is my absolute pleasure, Ben.
@Alta03 – Thanks for being so awesome and coming for a visit! My question: What did you learn about yourself while filming The Walking Dead? Thanks! Alta from the “Z-crew”
IronE: Hi Alta, my pleasure. I would say that in extremely hot temperatures, I would probably pass out. Given my decade plus of football experience… practicing in the most extreme conditions during Georgia summers, I thought I was invincible to heat exhaustion. Boy, was I wrong!!! I almost had a heat stroke when we shot episode 2 on the rooftop. I guess I learned that I’m not as tough as I thought I was…when it pertains to dealing with heat, of course…not zombies. Hahahaha.
@KyleD03 – IronE, great fan of your work. (even more so because of your humble and social personality) I’m wondering if at any time during filming you’ve found yourself so engulfed in the scene that true emotions take over and separation becomes difficult…or if you just get creeped out by the walkers. In such a dramatic production, it seems so very likely. Again, great work! Thanks for your time!
IronE: Hi, Kyle and thank you for your thoughtfulness. Yes, true emotions do take over but separation never becomes difficult. As an actor, my job is to become as emotionally connected to the scene as possible…to believe everything that I’m doing so the audience can believe it, too. If that doesn’t happen, I might want to rethink this acting career of mine. Take care.
Continue reading TDog cements his place on ZombieSurvivalCrew