Earlier today I was happily tweeting away about Metallica when things took a sharp right turn into a parallel dimension. The result? My muse and one other, that of Wendy (a.k.a Sparrowbug), are locked into a cage match. Two muses enter … one leaves …
The challenge? Post around 500 words of our current works in progress (WIP) written within the last week.
Wendy’s entry – a YA that might end up being horror – can be found here.
(…. and as a last minute challenge, Pauline a.k.a. @aspiringmama is going to enter the fray ….)
My WIP is a narrative nonfiction survival guide for parents, caregivers and supporters of ill or special needs kids currently titled Born into Battle: Surviving and Thriving Amidst a Child’s Complex Medical Situation.
Continue reading Muse Cage Match: Born into Battle (excerpt)