Team Vamp Chat — Mar 26 with @KattyVamp
2:59 am | VampTeam: | Five minutes until the coffin opens – come join @KattyVamp and her male fan(G)s for some bloodletting #teamvamp |
2:59 am | VampTeam: | The place? Here: The time? Just a couple minutes til the bloodletting begins …. #teamvamp |
3:00 am | VampTeam: | @KattyVamp – you in the crypt dahling? #teamvamp |
3:01 am | Ahres_Guardian: | you know you want to be here… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:02 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp well hello, hello….. my lovely little vamp #teamvamp |
3:03 am | KattyVamp: | Ugh, stupid bitch forgot to unlock me… *growls* #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampTeam: | Crrrreeeaaaakkkk …. the coffin lid is open. Join us here: #teamvamp |
3:04 am | Ahres_Guardian: | I need something red and sweet to imbibe….one moment, aahhhh….. so much better #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampTeam: | Once you get to the chat room, set the refresh speed down to 5 seconds. #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampTeam: | If you have a lcoked account, unlock the account for the duration of the chat so everyone can see you #teamvamp |
3:04 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Hiya… how are you tonight? #teamvamp |
3:05 am | VampTeam: | Hello @KattyVamp and Ahres_Guardian — thank you both for venturing into the crypt this evening! #teamvamp |
3:05 am | MistressTamara: | Oh, I am finally on time? #teamvamp |
3:05 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp sweetie, I am wonderful…. and how are you tonight? #teamvamp |
3:05 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yea, tell my writer that… #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | I think most of the crew knows @Ahres_Guardian pretty well (tho not as well as some of us would like) *snort* #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | @MistressTamara yes, you are! thank you for venturing in! #teamvamp |
3:06 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Awesome, of course. My writer is ‘tired’… boo hoo… I told her to get over it, a 10 1/2 hr shift is nothing. #teamvamp |
3:06 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam thank you my dear, I’m flattered… #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | So @KattyVamp would like to tell us a bit about you, how you came to be? and the world you live in? #teamvamp |
3:07 am | KattyVamp: | Hmm… I think *someone* wants @ahres_guardian to nibble on her…. @VampTeam #teamvamp |
3:07 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp ya, I had to smack my writer around as well… *grins* #teamvamp |
3:07 am | VampTeam: | @Ahres_Guardian, Eric Northman, and Armand are the only ones I’d consider opening a vein for … @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:08 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Sure. How I came to be? My sister bit me. She ‘fell in love’ with a vamp in 1609 and he changed her. She changed me. #teamvamp |
3:08 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam I might just take you up on that my lovely…. *licks fangs* #teamvamp |
3:08 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: Crrrreeeaaaakkkk …. the coffin lid is open. Join us here: #teamvamp |
3:08 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: Once you get to the chat room, set the refresh speed down to 5 seconds. #teamvamp |
3:08 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: Hello @KattyVamp and Ahres_Guardian — thank you both for venturing into the crypt this evening! #teamvamp |
3:09 am | bdmiller3132: | @vampteam I agree, but Lestat instead of Armand #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:09 am | KattyVamp: | She’s a stupid bitch. She was 16…. she then bit me, I was 19. #teamvamp |
3:09 am | MistressTamara: | @KattyVamp So you are not a born vampire? #teamvamp |
3:09 am | VampTeam: | Did she bite you right after she was changed?!?!? so you’ve been around since 1609?!?! @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:09 am | KattyVamp: | @MistressTamara Nope, I was bitten. #teamvamp |
3:09 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp a sister?…. shit, there are two of you running around?…. how have we gotten along this far? #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 you take Lestat, I’ll stick with Armand … 😉 #teamvamp |
3:11 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yeah, she bit me about a month after he bit her. The ‘process’ takes about that long to complete. #teamvamp |
3:11 am | VampTeam: | What’s the matter @Ahres_Guardian ? Scared? or excited by the prospect of double-dips? #teamvamp |
3:11 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @bdmiller3132 indeed… thank you for the compliment my dear… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:11 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I can handle that,but I am not sure about sharing @EricNorthman #teamvamp |
3:11 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Yes, a sister… *winks* I’m naughtier, if you can imagine. #teamvamp |
3:12 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam absolutely excited, lovely… the many prospects that jump to mind….. *growls low in chest*…. yes, very good.. #teamvamp |
3:12 am | KattyVamp: | I was born in 1590, in Ireland. I’m 419 years old… #teamvamp |
3:12 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp yes, yes I can imagine…… you would be surprised what I can imagine… *grins* #teamvamp |
3:13 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Ohhh… I have an idea… *giggles* #teamvamp |
3:13 am | VampTeam: | Holy crap @KattyVamp I think you may be our oldest vampire in residence – @Ahres_Gaurdian @MistressTamara you guys r younger yes? #teamvamp |
3:13 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp and you’re Irish as well?! how did I miss that? it would seem all the attractive vamps come from there *grins proudly* #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampTeam: | Yeah @bdmiller3132 sorry – it’s gonna be my pimp cane against yours for @EricNorthman #teamvamp |
3:14 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Rather lively though *winks* #teamvamp |
3:14 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam Actually, no. She is still a babe. #teamvamp |
3:14 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam I’m definitely younger, but I was made from a pure Guardian. He never made another and was 1500 years old #teamvamp |
3:14 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam you forgot I have fangs #teamvamp |
3:14 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Yep… Irish. I was born on Valentia Island, then my family moved to the main land when I was about 10. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | VampTeam: | And you can ask the vamps, my pimp cane is pretty well exercised @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp |
3:15 am | VampTeam: | Apologies @MistressTamara – remind me how old you are again? #teamvamp |
3:15 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well, I WOULDN’T know anything about your ‘cane’… though I believe my writer does. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp that almost started my heart again….. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:16 am | VampTeam: | And can I just say it is dangerous for my health to try and keep track of all my vamps, and not piss them off? #teamvamp |
3:16 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I want to watch you exercise them on the Vamps that would be awesome #teamvamp |
3:16 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian What’s that? #teamvamp |
3:16 am | VampTeam: | One of these days, you all will come looking for me and find me at the end of an alley, ripped open and bled dry *sniff, sniff* #teamvamp |
3:17 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp nevermind, just another lovely Vamp of Irish descent, such as myself… I love it.. #teamvamp |
3:17 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam I remember the time when the romans went off on thier little tantrums. I never reveal my true age. *shows toothy grin* #teamvamp |
3:17 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Oh… yes, in case it wasn’t made clear, I’m in *this* world… the real world *winks* #teamvamp |
3:17 am | VampTeam: | So most of us know that @Ahres_Guardian is a “good” vampire – a hunter of Le Morte #teamvamp |
3:17 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well, it won’t be from me… I prefer men… *licks fangs* #teamvamp |
3:17 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam you will most likely have a smile upon your lovely face though… #teamvamp |
3:17 am | VampTeam: | @KattyVamp what’s your story? you good? bad? a terror? #teamvamp |
3:18 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Ahh, I was gonna say… don’t talk about hearts ‘restarting’… ehhh… *shudders* #teamvamp |
3:18 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam “Sangue de Morte”… but close enough.. thanks.. *grins* #teamvamp |
3:18 am | Jinxie_G: | I should be working, but I’m here. May have to leave early, though. #teamvamp |
3:18 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @Jinxie_G well hello there my dear… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:19 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam I… have been bad… for a few centuries. I desperately trying to behave now… #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampTeam: | Hey @Jinxie_G !!!! Thank you! another human! there’s an awful lot of bloodsuckers lurking around the edges tonight #teamvamp |
3:19 am | Jinxie_G: | @Ahres_Guardian Hi Ahres. *grins* Haven’t seen you in a while. How goes things? #teamvamp |
3:19 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam Le Morte, I believe that means something about an orgasm in French. Doesnt it? My French is a little rusty. #teamvamp |
3:19 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam LOL #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampTeam: | Ergh! Sorry @Ahres_Guardian !!! See what I mean?!? one of these days i’m gonna get something really wrong and end up as dinner #teamvamp |
3:19 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp YOU HAVE BEEN A BAD VAMP…. NOW GET TO MY ROOM!!!! *grins, licks fangs* #teamvamp |
3:20 am | KattyVamp: | I… umm… have killed quite a bit. It was hard… *pouts*… their thoughts consumed me, I couldn’t help it… #teamvamp |
3:20 am | VampTeam: | Ummmm, yeah, *snort* @MistressTamara guess we all know where my mind is … le petit mort, no? #teamvamp |
3:20 am | KattyVamp: | Hiya @jinxie_g *smiles* #teamvamp |
3:20 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian *giggles* Yes sir!! #teamvamp |
3:21 am | Jinxie_G: | Am I to assume @KattyVamp is on the panel tonight? #teamvamp |
3:21 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam not to worry, Sangue de Morte is Latin for blood of death #teamvamp |
3:21 am | Jinxie_G: | @KattyVamp Hello. =) #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampTeam: | You “hear/see” tyour victim’s thoughts when you kill? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:21 am | bdmiller3132: | @MistressTamara La petite mort #teamvamp |
3:21 am | KattyVamp: | @Jinxie_G You’re correct… and @ahres_guardian… If I let him #teamvamp |
3:21 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam Yes. That was it! Le petit mort! #teamvamp |
3:21 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp *growls* that is the correct answer, my dear…. *winks* #teamvamp |
3:22 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well… no, I hear thoughts all the time… I have many abilities. #teamvamp |
3:22 am | VampTeam: | Yes, @Jinxie_G I am trying to give @KattyVamp a achance to introduce herself, before @Ahres_Guardian tears her apart *snort* #teamvamp |
3:22 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp let me?.. *scoff*… hardly.. #teamvamp |
3:22 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Ooh… ya better keep your bike in the garage… *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:22 am | VampTeam: | Abilities? like what? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:22 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam LOL I see. Okay then. #teamvamp |
3:22 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp that’s not what you said last week…… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:22 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam I’d like to see him try to ‘tear’ me apart… #teamvamp |
3:23 am | MistressTamara: | @Ahres_Guardian yes, yes. That was a given. I don’t know any vampire who doesn’t know how to spell blood in several languages. #teamvamp |
3:23 am | VampTeam: | Actually darling @KattyVamp … I am counting on it … promised the people bloodshed and well, its @Ahres_Guardian #teamvamp |
3:23 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well, generally vamps have a skill or two… here and there… some none at all. I have *many* abilities. *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:24 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara I didn’t choose the name… I only assumed the role… Gebze chose the name… is kinda generic, huh?.. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:24 am | Jinxie_G: | @MistressTamara *falls over laughing* That. Was. Awesome. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | VampTeam: | Ok, so I think it’s pretty clear that @KattyVamp is a baaaaad girl — and @Ahres_Guardian is our resident heart throb, soooo #teamvamp |
3:25 am | MistressTamara: | Thank you, my dear. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | KattyVamp: | I can hear thoughts, see the future and… I refer to it as ‘commanding’. I can control people, their actions… #teamvamp |
3:25 am | bdmiller3132: | @MistressTamara that was awesome. I think you might take @Ahres_Guardian #teamvamp |
3:26 am | VampTeam: | the biggest question on my mind is – what do the two of you think of each other?? partners in crime? sworn enemies? #teamvamp |
3:26 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp please continue…. #teamvamp |
3:26 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara are your fangs as sharp as your tongue?… or are you quite content hiding behind your keyboard?… #teamvamp |
3:27 am | KattyVamp: | Oh… I think Ahres is rather amusing… quite enjoyable… *giggles* #teamvamp |
3:27 am | MistressTamara: | I bare my fangs only when needed. I have learned not to rush in, when fools might… #teamvamp |
3:28 am | Ahres_Guardian: | and I do find @kattyvamp quite entertaining…. lovely and amusing…. took her out on my Harley just last weekend #teamvamp |
3:28 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara nice to see that you also have wisdom with that snark… good for you #teamvamp |
3:28 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Lovely? Really? Hmm… I don’t get that often. *giggles* Thanks! #teamvamp |
3:29 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp my pleasure, my dear…. my pleasure… *bows low* #teamvamp |
3:29 am | KattyVamp: | My fangs don’t extend unless I’m either changing a human or killing a vamp… *winks at Ahres* #teamvamp |
3:29 am | MistressTamara: | Thanks you. I thought you, of all people, would appreciate some wisdom. #teamvamp |
3:30 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp mine are always there, but they get longer when aroused… *winks at Katty* #teamvamp |
3:30 am | KattyVamp: | Otherwise my teeth can pierce through human’s skin to feed. Then I ‘alter’ their memory… it works well. #teamvamp |
3:30 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara your snark knows no bounds…. how wonderful to have another vamp whose lips could be put to better use #teamvamp |
3:31 am | MistressTamara: | Perhaps, this will be a good acquaintance we develop, Ahres. #teamvamp |
3:31 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Hmm… longer when aroused? Well, that doesn’t make sense, yours always look long when… oh… nevermind… #teamvamp |
3:31 am | KattyVamp: | Where the hell are all the humans at? Did ya run off? *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:31 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp lol #teamvamp |
3:31 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara maybe, that really depends on the circumstances, I suppose… #teamvamp |
3:32 am | Ahres_Guardian: | RT @KattyVamp: Where the hell are all the humans at? Did ya run off? *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:32 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp nope here #TeamVamp #teamvamp |
3:32 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Seriously… look at the feed… just me, you and Tamara… wtf #teamvamp |
3:33 am | KattyVamp: | I mean, I know it’s VAMPCHAT, but really? #teamvamp |
3:33 am | Ahres_Guardian: | we also seem to have lost our moderator….. #teamvamp |
3:33 am | VampTeam: | Wow! Sorry vamps – I’ve got an electrical storm on my end … knocked out my Internet for a few … #teamvamp |
3:33 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp well, @bdmiller3132 just showed back up…… *waves* #teamvamp |
3:34 am | VampTeam: | I don’t know if any of the other humans are having similar issues! #teamvamp |
3:34 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam mine never showed *Sad* #teamvamp |
3:34 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam there you are!!! thought we finally scared you off…… *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:34 am | KattyVamp: | Hmm… Ok, well, I’ll continue… let’s see. Born in Ireland… over the last 4 centuries I’ve resided the longest in London. #teamvamp |
3:34 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Ahh… welcome back! #teamvamp |
3:35 am | VampTeam: | Nah, @Ahres_Guardian you guys could never scare me oof! Love you all too much! #teamvamp |
3:35 am | Jinxie_G: | Sorry, listening to Native American music. LOL #teamvamp |
3:35 am | LukeWarrior: | Hey what I miss? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | Ok, so @Ahres_Guardian find @KattyVamp “lovely” – Katty what do you think of him? too goody two shoes or what? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | bdmiller3132: | Yea, you guys are kinda tame #teamvamp |
3:36 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam that a girl!! that’s what I like to hear, it was that or I was gonna go hunting for somebody who took you out.. *glares* #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | Hee-hee @bdmiller3132 thought you ran for the hills! #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | Ok, @LukeWarrior vamp or human? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior BRUDDA!!! how the hell are ya? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior Ooh… Hiya *waves* #teamvamp |
3:36 am | LukeWarrior: | @VampTeam Tame? Wow… I must have missed a lot.. Where’s @ahres_guardian #teamvamp |
3:37 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam I said he was rather amusing and quite enjoyable… I think… *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:37 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp Hey baby… #teamvamp |
3:37 am | VampTeam: | Oh crap — you did NOT just calls the vamp tame @bdmiller3132 ??? Are you nuts?!? #teamvamp |
3:37 am | LukeWarrior: | @VampTeam Vamp or human what? #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Ahres_Guardian: | Please allow me to introduce my best Vamp @LukeWarrior #teamvamp |
3:37 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam for some reason none of my tweets posted. These vamps are to tame for my taste. *Snicker* #teamvamp |
3:38 am | VampTeam: | I think she’s @bdmiller3132 baiting the vampires — guys? please go ahead and punish her #teamvamp |
3:38 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior How’s it going? We were just reminiscing about a bike ride *giggles*… #teamvamp |
3:38 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @bdmiller3132 then, what perhaps would you think more exciting? I’m curious to see… #teamvamp |
3:38 am | VampTeam: | They are nice for me …. @bdmiller3132 but if you bait them, they’ll tear you to pieces … #teamvamp |
3:39 am | LukeWarrior: | @Ahres_Guardian Whats up bro.. Sorry I’m late. #teamvamp |
3:39 am | VampTeam: | Sorry, took me a minute @LukeWarrior – couldn’t place you right away. We humans are sorely outnumbered tonight. #teamvamp |
3:39 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yes, we behave quite well for you… *smiles* #teamvamp |
3:39 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp Oh yes. I was just thinking I need to get you back on my lap soon.. #teamvamp |
3:39 am | bdmiller3132: | @Ahres_Guardian whatch got? #teamvamp |
3:39 am | LukeWarrior: | @VampTeam Isnt that the point? #teamvamp |
3:39 am | VampTeam: | That and the humans brave enough to be here are having tech problems … @LukeWarrior #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior well, I was having a “friendly” debate with @mistressTamara, but she split…. go figure.. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:40 am | KattyVamp: | Ahh… I do like that the vamps out number… however, I’d rather there were more human men… *snarls* #teamvamp |
3:40 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior Oh! Yes… your lap… heh… #teamvamp |
3:40 am | VampTeam: | I know you all do! @KattyVamp I have some great vampire pals! course that’s until someone decides to have me for dinner …*sigh* #teamvamp |
3:40 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam Oh please, these vamps don’t scare me. LOL #teamvamp |
3:41 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 Oh yes you like darker vamps huh? #teamvamp |
3:41 am | bdmiller3132: | @Jinxie_G I agree #teamvamp |
3:41 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Jinxie_G Haha They don’t scare me either.. But then again the ones I choose to pay attention too are nice.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:41 am | KattyVamp: | Ahh… you’re lucky you’re chicks. I have a different effect on men… *giggles* #teamvamp |
3:41 am | VampTeam: | Oh dear, dear, dear ….. the humans are pushing it tonight!!!! What are you guys crazy? #teamvamp |
3:41 am | MistressTamara: | @Ahres_Guardian I have not left. You haven’t said anything interesting to respond to… #teamvamp |
3:42 am | bdmiller3132: | @Wookiesgirl I like a little bite in them #teamvamp |
3:42 am | VampTeam: | On the nights when humans outnumber the vamps you’re all polite and nice, and now tonight with more vamps than humans …. #teamvamp |
3:42 am | KattyVamp: | @MistressTamara You tell him! *laughs* #teamvamp |
3:42 am | VampTeam: | you’re all baiting the vamps!!! Death wish anybody? #teamvamp |
3:42 am | Jinxie_G: | Okay, I really like @MistressTamara. She’s cracking me up. #teamvamp |
3:42 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp You don’t need a human man… I got everything you need #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampTeam: | @Wookiesgirl hey chica! thanks for popping into the coffin! #teamvamp |
3:43 am | bdmiller3132: | @MistressTamara is sassy I like her #teamvamp |
3:43 am | KattyVamp: | I don’t do chicks… never been that hard up for a nip before. #teamvamp |
3:43 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara such a cliche answer….. alas, I guess I jumped the gun with the description of you being wise *sigh* #teamvamp |
3:43 am | LukeWarrior: | @bdmiller3132 I bite just fine honey #teamvamp |
3:43 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior Oh? Ya think so? #teamvamp |
3:43 am | Jinxie_G: | @bdmiller3132 @WookiesGirl Haven’t really noticed any mean vamps on Twitter. Have you? #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampTeam: | Can you make an exception? @KattyVamp We’ve got some mouthy human chicsk in here tonight! *snort* #teamvamp |
3:43 am | bdmiller3132: | @LukeWarrior *Snort* #teamvamp |
3:44 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Of course.. Just had to get the kids to bed first #teamvamp |
3:44 am | MistressTamara: | @Ahres_Guardian You are too quick to take offence at things and still get humanly emotional. Not attractive for a vampire… #teamvamp |
3:44 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam who me? #teamvamp |
3:44 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Jinxie_G There are a couple that @shadowsinstone has.. But they dont come out often #teamvamp |
3:44 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam Well, you see, I have an army of vamps and other preternatural creatures in my own head, so no, I’m not afraid. LOL #teamvamp |
3:44 am | VampTeam: | I know you have a dark, twisted side to you @KattyVamp care to share? #teamvamp |
3:44 am | Ahres_Guardian: | <—— is bored with @mistressTamara #teamvamp |
3:45 am | KattyVamp: | I believe @ahres_guardian and I have something else in common… I believe we both have significant others that are *magical*… #teamvamp |
3:45 am | Jinxie_G: | @Wookiesgirl Obviously bc I’ve never seen them. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp yes please #teamvamp |
3:45 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 *snort* you, no, never ….. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Um… other than killing… a lot… ? #teamvamp |
3:45 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp I’m willing to bet on it.. Yup #teamvamp |
3:46 am | VampTeam: | Yes and no @KattyVamp I seem to remember you have a taste for “unwilling” victims? is that right? and you like to play with them? #teamvamp |
3:46 am | LukeWarrior: | @bdmiller3132 I take care of business when I need to.. Nothing wrong with a laid back Vampire.. #teamvamp |
3:46 am | bdmiller3132: | @Jinxie_G I have that are fun to tease from far, far away #teamvamp |
3:46 am | KattyVamp: | Like I said, spent several centuries behaving badly. It was difficult hearing their thoughts, I would get too excited and… #teamvamp |
3:46 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp tis true… #teamvamp |
3:46 am | LukeWarrior: | @Ahres_Guardian Nice Bro.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:46 am | bdmiller3132: | @LukeWarrior ok, if you say so. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | KattyVamp: | before I knew it, their hearts were no longer beating. Killing so many men really *sparked* my abilities… it was AWESOME. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | VampTeam: | @Wookiesgirl wonder if we could convince one of the “nasty” ones 2 make an appearance n teach the humans some respect (not me) #teamvamp |
3:47 am | Jinxie_G: | @bdmiller3132 Oh really? Hmm…I may have to search these vamps out. LOL #teamvamp |
3:47 am | VampTeam: | is that why you prefer men? b/c they enhance your powers? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:47 am | LukeWarrior: | @VampTeam So is there a topic tonight or are we just hanging around.. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior thanks brudda, how has your week been? #teamvamp |
3:47 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Play with them? Well… a bit. It’s rather nice to make them do what I want, then blast their mind, remembering nothing #teamvamp |
3:48 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam I had a nasty one on here. I deleted him a while back. LOL #teamvamp |
3:48 am | LukeWarrior: | @Ahres_Guardian Busy.. @witchbeth has me getting the damn garden ready for planting #teamvamp |
3:48 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp I could definitely see you doing that…. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampTeam: | @LukeWarrior mainly we’re giving @KattyVamp a chance to introduce herself properly; she’s been on before but never as a focus #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampTeam: | I’m sorry?!?! a vampire planting a garden? @LukeWarrior #teamvamp |
3:49 am | Jinxie_G: | Lately, @Shawn_II has been too close to his twin to be any kind of nasty. #teamvamp |
3:49 am | KattyVamp: | Well, I’m not sure about Ahres or Luke… but I’m a fan of the… Hmm, don’t know if @VampTeam will get mad at me for saying it… #teamvamp |
3:49 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Maybe.. LOL I don’t know. @shawn_II has a wild streak.. #teamvamp |
3:49 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior that’s ridiculous, but if it pays the rent… *shrugs shoulders*… you need to come over more… #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampTeam: | So you can control a human without killing them? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:49 am | LukeWarrior: | @VampTeam It’s a damn long story…. #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampTeam: | @KattyVamp go for it … say it #teamvamp |
3:50 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp do tell…. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yes, I can control them ‘now’… I didn’t realize it until too late that I didn’t necessarily need to kill them to feed #teamvamp |
3:51 am | KattyVamp: | Alright… ahem… I’m a fan of the feed-and-fuck… don’t know about Ahres or Luke… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:51 am | MistressTamara: | @KattyVamp That happens, my dear. It takes time to learn. Don’t lose any daylight over it. #teamvamp |
3:52 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp lol great line #teamvamp |
3:52 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp I enjoy the fuck-and-feed, myself…. BIG FAN….. #imjustsayin #teamvamp |
3:52 am | VampTeam: | so you could conceivably control a human indefinitely?!? @KattyVamp (remind me not to piss you off too much – that’s creepy) #teamvamp |
3:52 am | KattyVamp: | @MistressTamara Ohh, I didn’t. Mmm… the good ‘ol days of killing… mmm… #teamvamp |
3:52 am | VampTeam: | *snort* I’m going to go out on a limb and say most of the humans here are also fans of the f-andf @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:52 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian I bet you are *winks* #teamvamp |
3:53 am | LukeWarrior: | @Ahres_Guardian Yeah no kidding bro..Oh shit she’s up #teamvamp |
3:53 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well, I ‘command’… Yes, I could control them for as long as I pleased. #teamvamp |
3:53 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam not unless its Eric Northman #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam *Raises hand* #teamvamp |
3:54 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp admittedly, there is something about getting to that point of release and pulling back your head and sinking my fangs #teamvamp |
3:54 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior ya, but she’s locked and no one can see her talking anyway…. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
3:54 am | VampTeam: | Yeah, well @bdmiller3132 you won’t get any argument from me on that!!! I’m a MAD Eric Northman fan – he’s my favorite TB character #teamvamp |
3:54 am | KattyVamp: | My eyes light up, they’re green, in case you missed the avi… get VERY bright when I’m either angry or using my skills. #teamvamp |
3:54 am | WitchBeth: | THERE Dammit… Yes I am up.. @lukewarrior and his big mouth woke me #teamvamp |
3:55 am | VampTeam: | Ok, not be weird or anything – but of the vamps in the room — can you guys reproduce? or is it merely the penetration fun? #teamvamp |
3:55 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Mmm… ya better stop that… *winks* #teamvamp |
3:55 am | LukeWarrior: | @WitchBeth Hey back off Beth… I was just sayin’ #teamvamp |
3:55 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Just fun… no reproduction. Ack… #teamvamp |
3:56 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam that’s a damn good question….. no, I can’t…. no “baby” vamps… or “true bloods” running around here… #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | Hello there! @WitchBeth thanks for popping into the coffin! You got the manvamp planting gardens eh? #teamvamp |
3:56 am | WitchBeth: | @Ahres_Guardian I fixed it… You can see me now. #teamvamp |
3:56 am | KattyVamp: | Our bodies ‘die’ when bitten (fangs out)… our whole body – inside and out- changes. The ‘human’ organs cease. #teamvamp |
3:57 am | WitchBeth: | @VampTeam Well ya know he has uses.. That would be one of them. Otherwise he can find another place to squat #teamvamp |
3:57 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp don’t know if I can, tracing the line of your neck with my fangs just before sinking them in and drinking deep *growls* #teamvamp |
3:57 am | KattyVamp: | Hiya @WitchBeth… I don’t know that we’ve met before *grins* #teamvamp |
3:57 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @WitchBeth hey honey…. good to see you #teamvamp |
3:57 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp what if you were born vamp #teamvamp |
3:57 am | WitchBeth: | @LukeWarrior Yeah yeah.. I am sure you were #teamvamp |
3:58 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam W’ mine they reproduce Anne Rice style, but still maintain their mortal drive, ‘cuz they’re not dead #teamvamp |
3:58 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 No born vamps. (not in this world) *smiles* #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampTeam: | So the f*cking aspect – is that purely a “mess with the human” thing; or do you get pleasure from the act as well? #teamvamp |
3:58 am | Ahres_Guardian: | RT @KattyVamp: @bdmiller3132 No born vamps. (not in this world) *smiles* <<—- agreed… #teamvamp |
3:58 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Ahhh… you’re forgetting… we don’t bite each other *laughs*… rather negative effects for me… #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Annarkie: | Damn, I was gonna do some writing, but I see the #teamvamp chat’s goin’ on! |
3:59 am | VampTeam: | Damn this @)(&@)(^&_(&@(^&_#$^&@(^&#)%*)_*(*((@_! electrical storm. i get nothing for like 2 minutes, then like 50 tweets at once #teamvamp |
3:59 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam A bit of both… get your kicks and then some. Yes, it’s quite pleasureful… mmm… #teamvamp |
3:59 am | KattyVamp: | @Annarkie This IS the place to be *grins* #teamvamp |
4:00 am | VampTeam: | Oh thank god! @Annarkie another human! we’re outnumbered tonight! lots of vamps n witches roaming the halls of the masoleum #teamvamp |
4:00 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam Maybe you shouldn’t be on the computer, honey. LOL #teamvamp |
4:00 am | bdmiller3132: | @Ahres_Guardian @KattyVamp that is a shame. Born Vamps are fun to play with. I have heard #teamvamp |
4:00 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam Mine get hella pleasure. #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp such a shame, we do, in my line. I get my greatest power feeding from my enemy #teamvamp |
4:01 am | VampTeam: | Ummmm , yeah @Jinxie_G didn’t even think of that! (and i’m hanging out the back window smoking and typing) lightening rod anyone? #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam Sounds hot 🙂 #teamvamp |
4:01 am | KattyVamp: | I don’t eat human food… I ‘can’ if absolutely necessary manage a bit or two, but that’s about it. #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @bdmiller3132 just rumors… *chuckles* #teamvamp |
4:01 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Ahh, yes, I recall that *giggles* #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam OMG, woman! Do YOU have a death wish? LOL #teamvamp |
4:02 am | bdmiller3132: | @Ahres_Guardian Oh no I know alot of them. I even know a Halfling #teamvamp |
4:02 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 Nope… gotta be bitten, fangs out. #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam You on a laptop? Battery power should be okay, right? #teamvamp |
4:02 am | VampTeam: | @KattyVamp you said you live in “this” world — are you the only vamp? or are there others? #teamvamp |
4:02 am | MistressTamara: | It’s time for me to leave, I have a warm human waiting in my bed. #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @bdmiller3132 no, I meant that they were a lot of fun…. being rumors…. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
4:03 am | KattyVamp: | *growls* My writer ‘wrote out’ my cigarette smoking…. stupid bitch… #teamvamp |
4:03 am | VampTeam: | *snort* Well, @Jinxie_G I do hang out with vampires …. #teamvamp |
4:03 am | VampTeam: | Have fun … but not too much!!! @MistressTamara Thank you for jumping in! #teamvamp |
4:03 am | bdmiller3132: | @Ahres_Guardian I should let you meet Cian she would would show you what fun really is #teamvamp |
4:03 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara good evening…. pleasure to meet such a sharp tongued enchantress… #teamvamp |
4:03 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Oh no, there’s a lot of vampires, other than my sister, obviously. We’ve been living in the US for a decade or two… #teamvamp |
4:04 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam I need to set up a twitter account for some of my vamps for the #teamvamp chat lol. |
4:04 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I agree. I can be deadly #teamvamp |
4:04 am | VampTeam: | Yes, well, in your writer’s defense, smoking is such a no-no with a lot of publishers … @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
4:04 am | bdmiller3132: | @Annarkie So Do I #teamvamp |
4:04 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @bdmiller3132 nice….. I may take you up on that sometime *winks* #teamvamp |
4:04 am | KattyVamp: | Haven’t come across many in the US… the majority seem to be overseas. #teamvamp |
4:04 am | WitchBeth: | @KattyVamp No I don’t believe we have.. @lukewarrior lives in my barn… Nice to meet you #teamvamp |
4:04 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yea yea, but I keep telling her IT’S NOT GONNA KILL ME! #teamvamp |
4:05 am | WitchBeth: | @Ahres_Guardian Nice to see you too Ahres.. It’s always a pleasure #teamvamp |
4:05 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @KattyVamp lucky for you, I’m here in the U.S. #teamvamp |
4:05 am | VampTeam: | And I’m sorry @bdmiller3132 did you say halfings? as in Shirefolk? or half-vamps? #teamvamp |
4:05 am | KattyVamp: | @WitchBeth Ahh, yes, I’ve heard about your barn… what a lovely place to keep a vamp. #teamvamp |
4:05 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I think that is a load for crap if you ask me #teamvamp |
4:05 am | VampTeam: | Oh yes DEFINITELY!!! @Annarkie #teamvamp |
4:05 am | LukeWarrior: | @WitchBeth Ya know Beth.. I could just move in with @ahres_guardian. I’m not your damn slave #teamvamp |
4:05 am | Jinxie_G: | Alright, I have to leave. Laters everyone! #teamvamp |
4:05 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam ya, cause sex, blood letting and over all anarchy is very mild compared to “smoking”…. *chuckles* #teamvamp |
4:06 am | VampTeam: | Lucky for all of us, good sir @Ahres_Guardian #teamvamp |
4:06 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam as in half vampires #teamvamp |
4:06 am | KattyVamp: | I smoke in the beginning of book 1… sort of dwindles away, if you will… I’m not thrilled about it at all! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | Beekeeper12: | Can somebody read me? #teamvamp |
4:06 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @VampTeam you, my dear, are too good to me.. #teamvamp |
4:06 am | VampTeam: | Hey chica! @Jinxie_G thank for stopping in! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | MistressTamara: | @Ahres_Guardian Always a pleasure. See you next week? #teamvamp |
4:06 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @Jinxie_G g’night #teamvamp |
4:06 am | WitchBeth: | @Beekeeper12 I can see you… Aren’t you just sweet #teamvamp |
4:07 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 Ahh… a human man… finally…. #teamvamp |
4:07 am | VampTeam: | Interesting!!! @bdmiller3132 and I hope we will get to hear more about that (and more) when you step into the coffin spotlight! #teamvamp |
4:07 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara not next week, my writer is otherwise occupied at that time… perhaps the following? #teamvamp |
4:07 am | WitchBeth: | @KattyVamp The barn works well.. I don’t need him in the house. He annoys me #teamvamp |
4:07 am | VampTeam: | Hello! @Beekeeper12 yes, we see you! how r u? #teamvamp |
4:08 am | aspiringmama: | You jack ass. #teamvamp |
4:08 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Next week same bat time #teamvamp |
4:08 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @Beekeeper12 you just walked into the room of a hungry vamp chica……good luck man #teamvamp |
4:08 am | LukeWarrior: | @WitchBeth Yeah and you make my head hurt Witch #teamvamp |
4:08 am | VampTeam: | Yeah i know right?!?!?! mass murder, sex, torture are ok, but smoking is not?!?!?! tres bizarre @Ahres_Guardian #teamvamp |
4:08 am | MistressTamara: | @Ahres_Guardian I look forward to our next meeting. Happy hunting. #teamvamp |
4:08 am | VampTeam: | Hello there! @aspiringmama anyone in particular? #teamvamp |
4:08 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @MistressTamara indeed, and you as well… #teamvamp |
4:09 am | VampTeam: | Write on!!! @bdmiller3132 (yes folks, in case you didn’t guess, she will be in the hot seat next week!) #teamvamp |
4:09 am | KattyVamp: | @WitchBeth It’s a shame he doesn’t just run away. #teamvamp |
4:09 am | Wookiesgirl: | @WitchBeth @lukewarrior… YOU TWO GIVE ME A HEADACHE #teamvamp |
4:09 am | KattyVamp: | @MistressTamara Thanks for coming tonight!!! #teamvamp |
4:10 am | KattyVamp: | @Wookiesgirl Hmm… you sound like my writer.. *laughs* #teamvamp |
4:10 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp It’s not so simple. I can’t just run away. I have responsibilities here whether she wants to admit that or not #teamvamp |
4:10 am | KattyVamp: | Any other ‘specific’ questions for me? *shoves Ahres_Guardian* Move over! #teamvamp |
4:11 am | WitchBeth: | @KattyVamp *snort* Believe me I would banish his ass but.. @witchsarah would not be happy about that. #teamvamp |
4:11 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp writers know best #teamvamp |
4:11 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior Hmm…. responsibilities? Is that ‘code’ for something… #teamvamp |
4:11 am | Annarkie: | My vamps still like the taste of people food. #teamvamp |
4:11 am | Wookiesgirl: | @KattyVamp Yes well… You character types can be quite… a handful #teamvamp |
4:12 am | VampTeam: | Actually yes @KattyVamp – do you have a quest or cause? or are you merely out to cause as much mayhem as poss b4 someone stakes u? #teamvamp |
4:12 am | Ahres_Guardian: | I must take my leave… thank you all, until next time….. good night all *licks fangs* #teamvamp |
4:12 am | KattyVamp: | @WitchBeth Ahh… lotsa witches… I got a wizard… *winks* #teamvamp |
4:12 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp Not at all. I can’t just leave them. #teamvamp |
4:12 am | VampTeam: | Actually @Annarkie a couple of vamps in the room (incd’g @KattyVamp) can ingest human food #teamvamp |
4:12 am | KattyVamp: | @Ahres_Guardian Aww… already? Ehh… I mean, ok! Bye! #teamvamp |
4:12 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp *winks* so why r u so excited with my presence? U’re not thinking in u know what, right? #teamvamp |
4:13 am | VampTeam: | Thank you so much kind sir! @Ahres_Guardian We will see you in 2 weeks, yes? #teamvamp |
4:13 am | WitchBeth: | @KattyVamp There are 5 in my coven including myself.. Although my sisters seem to be missing as of late.. Sad really #teamvamp |
4:13 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam Okay, gotta join the #amwritingparty if I want my vamps to see the light of…um night. #teamvamp |
4:13 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam A quest? Um…nope. I’d like to see someone try to ‘stake’ me… if they some how managed to keep their thoughts from me #teamvamp |
4:13 am | VampTeam: | Though my understanding @Annarkie is that most of the vamps who CAN, don’t like it #teamvamp |
4:14 am | aspiringmama: | @VampTeam you. For being a lightning rod. 😉 #teamvamp |
4:14 am | LukeWarrior: | @Ahres_Guardian Come get me will ya? I need a drink.. Both kinds #teamvamp |
4:14 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior Ahh… I was hoping for something kinkier *laughs* #teamvamp |
4:14 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam Oh mine can ingest it, they just can’t digest it well. #teamvamp |
4:14 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam oh, finally! I’m fine.. Well, I have this hangover so.. My head’s not so good right now. Anyway, i came.. #teamvamp |
4:14 am | VampTeam: | Oh ok! @Annarkie thanks for joining in! #teamvamp |
4:14 am | Ahres_Guardian: | @LukeWarrior fair enough, give me a minute or two… #teamvamp |
4:14 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 I’m excited because there’s too many human chicks in here… #teamvamp |
4:14 am | VampTeam: | Ohhhhhh @aspiringmama *snort*!!! #teamvamp |
4:15 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 You know what’s the best cure for a hangover? Some blood letting… mmm… #teamvamp |
4:15 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam It’s torture for a few of my vamps that were foodies. #teamvamp |
4:15 am | VampTeam: | speaking of which @KattyVamp – how CAN u be killed? sunlight? garlic? silver? crosses? #teamvamp |
4:15 am | KattyVamp: | @WitchBeth Wow… 5? That’s rather amazing… #teamvamp |
4:15 am | LukeWarrior: | @KattyVamp Haha.. Well we can always come and get you again… #teamvamp |
4:16 am | WitchBeth: | @KattyVamp Yes I agree… They are wonderful. Maybe someday you will meet them. #teamvamp |
4:16 am | VampTeam: | @aspiringmama effing electrical storm messing with my tweets …. did u get my *snort*!!! #teamvamp |
4:16 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Nope… nope… nope… nope. I actually don’t know of any way, because of my future seeing and mind reading *winks* #teamvamp |
4:16 am | KattyVamp: | @LukeWarrior That sounds like a delicious offer… #teamvamp |
4:17 am | VampTeam: | and …. @KattyVamp is there any way for a human to get around or overcome your mind reading powers? #teamvamp |
4:17 am | KattyVamp: | Oddly enough, with how many vamp folklore and myths my writer uses, THOSE aren’t any of them #teamvamp |
4:17 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam None that I know of… how could they? *giggles* #teamvamp |
4:17 am | VampTeam: | Wait?!? @WitchBeth you have fangs too? #teamvamp |
4:18 am | Wookiesgirl: | HAHA I love it when I screw up like that.. Too funny #teamvamp |
4:18 am | VampTeam: | so then you are truly immortal — no way to defeat you @KattyVamp could u choose to die if u got tired of living? #teamvamp |
4:18 am | KattyVamp: | HAHAHAHA… I was gonna say, DAMN a witch with fangs?!?! What will they think of next… #teamvamp |
4:18 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp so what’s wrong with it? #teamvamp |
4:19 am | VampTeam: | oh geez! right – i forgot who’s who for a moment. hard to keep track sometimes!!!@Wookiesgirl #teamvamp |
4:19 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yes, quite immortal. Can I commit suicide? Um… nope. Why would I? I have much too much fun at the charade… #teamvamp |
4:19 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp hey! U better look 4 someone younger.. #teamvamp |
4:20 am | VampTeam: | I would imagine! @Annarkie So your vamps eat because they still like to then? or they have to in addition to blood? #teamvamp |
4:20 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 I like ’em young… tasty… *growls* #teamvamp |
4:20 am | VampTeam: | Our satellite Tv just went down, don’t know how long Internet will hold out … If i disappear, you’ll know why … #teamvamp |
4:21 am | VampTeam: | the charade? you mean pretending to be human …. @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
4:22 am | KattyVamp: | Ack…human food…may as well be eating saw dust. Blood is one of the only things I can actually ‘taste’…and oh so tasty it is! #teamvamp |
4:22 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp do you love? #teamvamp |
4:22 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yes, pretending to be human… I do it quite well. #teamvamp |
4:22 am | VampTeam: | what r the other things you can taste? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
4:23 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132 @KattyVamp do you love? >> Interesting question … #teamvamp |
4:23 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 Not until now… *winks*… I lived in evil for years, I have a ‘back story’ of course, left me jaded…I love Gavin #teamvamp |
4:24 am | WitchBeth: | @VampTeam No that was an accident.. LOL My writer was in the wrong window #teamvamp |
4:24 am | KattyVamp: | It is a good question… not until he happened into my life did I ever feel that emotion, truly. #teamvamp |
4:24 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp well, i’m not that young.. Grr.. #teamvamp |
4:24 am | VampTeam: | Ohhhh @KattyVamp so you mean you CAN love, but now won’t because of a previous “disaster” … is that right? #teamvamp |
4:25 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Beekeeper12 Yes you are.. LOL #teamvamp |
4:25 am | VampTeam: | No worries!! @WitchBeth (happens to all of us every now and again) #teamvamp |
4:25 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp What other emotions do you feel? #teamvamp |
4:26 am | Annarkie: | @VampTeam They still like to, it’s just not good for them. Blood and water are all they can digest. #teamvamp Gotta go, got a scene calling! |
4:26 am | VampTeam: | or following on @bdmiller3132 ‘s last question — DO you feel any emotions? or is it just hunger? #teamvamp |
4:26 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam I ‘didn’t’ love… not until I saw my future with Gavin, I saw the opportunity for myself. Scared the shit out of me #teamvamp |
4:26 am | VampTeam: | Oh go, go, go!! @Annarkie (Hope it’s a killer one!!! *snort*) #teamvamp |
4:27 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 I feel everything… I would appear rather ‘normal’, except for the lack of aging, the fangs (when let down) and… #teamvamp |
4:27 am | VampTeam: | so u saw the possibility and ran from it? is the human in you truly dead then — or do you sometimes miss it? @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
4:27 am | KattyVamp: | …and the eyes lighting up when agitated… like I said, I love the charade *winks* #teamvamp |
4:28 am | WitchBeth: | @VampTeam It’s rather embarrassing when she does that #teamvamp |
4:28 am | KattyVamp: | There is ‘bloodlust’ no doubt, though it’s manageable, overall… #teamvamp |
4:29 am | WitchBeth: | I think it’s time for me to go.. My writer seems to be stuffing me back into the box.. #teamvamp |
4:29 am | VampTeam: | Naaah @WitchBeth not with this crowd! We’re all nuts, but we’re lovable and forgiving … #teamvamp |
4:29 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam I didn’t run from him, I was, honestly, too ‘enchanted’ by the visions I saw, they were amazing. I pushed them into… #teamvamp |
4:29 am | Beekeeper12: | @WookiesGirl lol of course I’m not.. #teamvamp |
4:29 am | KattyVamp: | his mind too… it really was amazing. I never, in 400 years had that sort of reaction to someone. #teamvamp |
4:29 am | WitchBeth: | @VampTeam Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say #teamvamp |
4:30 am | KattyVamp: | I do not miss being a human… if I did, a couple centuries would put an end to that. #teamvamp |
4:30 am | VampTeam: | Wow – @KattyVamp Gavin sounds like something special. I’m kinda ‘enchanted’ by your description #teamvamp |
4:31 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam He is. *smiles* AND he’s DELICIOUS!!!! #teamvamp |
4:31 am | VampTeam: | Holy hounds of hell – can’t believe how fast the time goes when I’m chatting in the coffin. I could stay here all night … #teamvamp |
4:32 am | VampTeam: | … but, alas, the humans in the crowd do need to get their sleep. And the vamps need to hunt. #teamvamp |
4:32 am | KattyVamp: | Apparently time flies when you’re having fun with me! *giggles* #teamvamp |
4:32 am | Wookiesgirl: | Night TeamVamp #teamvamp |
4:33 am | VampTeam: | Next week, @bdmiller3132 will be laid out in the coffin! (And remember vamps, she had some fightin’ words for you this week) #teamvamp |
4:33 am | LukeWarrior: | Good night all.. #teamvamp |
4:33 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Goodnight. #teamvamp |
4:33 am | VampTeam: | Very big thank you to @KattyVamp for taking on a rather vicious crowd this evening! #teamvamp |
4:33 am | KattyVamp: | Good night everyone! Thanks for listening to my madness *growls* #teamvamp |
4:34 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam You’re welcome… like I said, lucky no men… the chicks can bitch all they want *laughs* #teamvamp |
4:34 am | Niro: | RT @WookiesGirl Night TeamVamp #teamvamp |
4:36 am | Beekeeper12: | It’s been quite fun tonite.. and Katty’s bitch.. #teamvamp |
4:38 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 Eat a bag, little man…. *snarls* #teamvamp |
4:41 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp who r u calling little man? I am an adult! #teamvamp |