Team Vamp chat – May 3 with author Brandy Miller @bdmiller3132
am | VampTeam: | The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:00 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | RT @VampTeam: The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:00 am | VampTeam: | When you get to the chat room, set the refresh speed to 5 seconds for the fastest updates #teamvamp |
3:01 am | vampwriter25: | RT @VampTeam: When you get to the chat room, set the refresh speed to 5 seconds for the fastest updates #teamvamp |
3:01 am | Jinxie_G: | RT @VampTeam: The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:01 am | vampwriter25: | RT @VampTeam: The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:02 am | KattyVamp: | Hello all… wait a minute… #teamvamp |
3:02 am | VampTeam: | We have some new fan(G)s n ghouls joining us tonight — welcome!!! So a little housekeeping before @bdmiller3132 spills blood #teamvamp |
3:02 am | vampwriter25: | Oh hell… Umm… I mean, Hiya all! #teamvamp |
3:02 am | crookedfang: | Coffin lid, heh. I’m expecting to find a bunch of women smelling of patchouli and black velvet. Heh. #teamvamp |
3:02 am | VampTeam: | This is a VERY *a-hem* lively group — prone to baiting one another, and spillin a bit of the crimson … but it’s all good fun #teamvamp |
3:03 am | Wookiesgirl: | RT @VampTeam: The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:03 am | KattyVamp: | What’s all this about? *growls* RT @VampWriter25 Going to try to keep my vamp locked away…she had enough fun last Sunday, right? #teamvamp |
3:03 am | bdmiller3132: | RT @VampTeam: When you get to the chat room, set the refresh speed to 5 seconds for the fastest updates #teamvamp |
3:03 am | bdmiller3132: | RT @VampTeam: The coffin lid has opened, ready for the blood to spill. Find us here: #teamvamp |
3:03 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Haha.. #teamvamp |
3:03 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Hello everyone.. hows ur night so far?? #teamvamp |
3:03 am | VampTeam: | yeah sorry @crookedfang – no pathcouli round here … lots of whiskey and smokes, but no pathcouli *yuck* #teamvamp |
3:04 am | Jinxie_G: | @crookedfang *gags* I hate patchouli. #teamvamp |
3:04 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam See that kind of bar-type stuff I can so deal with. #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampTeam: | So with that said – do your best to draw blood, but no fatalities please! (gotta keep the crew alove enough 2 return next week) #teamvamp |
3:04 am | Wookiesgirl: | @KattyVamp Hey Katty! Nice to see you. Have you met @crookedfang? #teamvamp |
3:04 am | bdmiller3132: | There is Vodka #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampTeam: | RT @Jinxie_G: @crookedfang *gags* I hate patchouli. >> AMEN! hell I can’t even spell it right! #teamvamp |
3:04 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Jinxie_G ME TOO! *hurk* @crookedfang #teamvamp |
3:05 am | Jinxie_G: | I’m a vanilla kind of girl. LOL #teamvamp |
3:05 am | KattyVamp: | @Wookiesgirl Hello lady, nice to see ya too! No, I sure haven’t… @crookedfang #teamvamp |
3:05 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I agree #teamvamp |
3:05 am | crookedfang: | LMAO, you gals crack me the hell up. It’s like a goth-type club, no Eddie Sparkles here huh? #teamvamp |
3:05 am | VampTeam: | Tonight we’re going to give @bdmiller3132 a chance to tell us a bit about her vamp-y writing ventures (until someone fangs her!) #teamvamp |
3:05 am | Jinxie_G: | Have to check on dinner. I’ll be in and out of here tonight. #teamvamp |
3:06 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp nice to see you #teamvamp |
3:06 am | Wookiesgirl: | I find it easier to keep track of the chat if I also watch my @replies. JUST SAYIN #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | Thank you @bdmiller3132 for braving the coffin (you know how it gets) … can you tell us a bit about your efforts? #teamvamp |
3:06 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 You too *winks* Can’t wait to hear about your vamps! #teamvamp |
3:06 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | Hey @bdmiller3132 What fuels your passion to write??? #teamvamp |
3:06 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang FOR SHAME! Watch your mouth #teamvamp |
3:07 am | vampwriter25: | Aww hell… ignore the green-eyed vamp… she’s snarky with all my editing lately. #teamvamp |
3:07 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Pfft like I give a damn about who likes what. Just getting a feel for the ‘room’ you dig? #teamvamp |
3:07 am | VampTeam: | Find out more about @bdmiller3132 here: #teamvamp |
3:07 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | unfortantely i gotta bounce.. busy day tomorrow.. 🙁 #teamvamp |
3:08 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Whats the plan tonight? You ask ?’s first then we get a chance? #teamvamp |
3:08 am | VampTeam: | We like just about anything in here … @crookedfang … we’re an odd group! (lots of freaky folk, and they know it!) #teamvamp |
3:08 am | vampwriter25: | @Cute_Nicky1986 aww, well thanks for stoppin by 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:09 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Bring it Vampire.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:09 am | vampwriter25: | Let your freak flag fly, I always say :-)~ #teamvamp |
3:09 am | VampTeam: | Yes, I’m going to ask @bdmiller3132 to tell us a bit about her writing and and answer questions from anyone @Wookiesgirl #teamvamp |
3:09 am | VampTeam: | @Cute_Nicky1986 yes, thank you for stopping in! hope to see you next week! #teamvamp |
3:09 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam Right on, I’m learning here. I’m male. We tend to be slower revs but can pull farther. #teamvamp |
3:10 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam sorry lost you there #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | So @bdmiller3132 if ya haven’t run screaming from your computer yet … care to tell us a bit about your writing? #teamvamp |
3:10 am | vampwriter25: | Hmm… getting failure codes…. anyone else? Weird. #teamvamp |
3:10 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam ask away #teamvamp |
3:10 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Hahahahah.. Oh God I’m tired.. OY #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | and @bdmiller3132 you also had a question from a fan(G) … let me RT it #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | RT @Dontblinkphotoz: Hey @bdmiller3132 What fuels your passion to write???#teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:10 am | Wookiesgirl: | @vampwriter25 I am getting them too.. had to refresh a couple of times. ODD first time that’s ever happened #teamvamp |
3:11 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam My writing is about the dark side of the vampire life #teamvamp |
3:11 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @VampTeam Right on, Im learning here. Im male. We tend to be slower revs but can pull farther>> *snort*!! #teamvamp |
3:11 am | vampwriter25: | @Wookiesgirl Yes, very odd… #teamvamp |
3:11 am | crookedfang: | [hides cut-wires] …what? O.o #teamvamp |
3:12 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang O.O Hmm.. Naughty! *slaps your hand* LOL #teamvamp |
3:12 am | VampTeam: | ooooohhhhh @wookiesgirl me likey-likeys @crookedfang (remind me a bit of @Ahres_Guardian the yum-master) #teamvamp |
3:13 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam The passion comes from the inspriation of other in my life #teamvamp |
3:13 am | VampTeam: | What do you mean dark side? @bdmiller3132 you mean internal conflict? murder? #teamvamp |
3:13 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Sorry. >.> Have this issue with sitting still. #teamvamp |
3:13 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | bdmiller3132: @VampTeam My writing is about the dark side of the vampire <— do explain #teamvamp |
3:13 am | vampwriter25: | @Wookiesgirl Does @crookedfang belong to you :-)~ #teamvamp |
3:14 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Heh.. See now.. @crookedfang is my favorite Vamp.. #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampTeam: | Inspiration of other in your life? can you explain? @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp |
3:14 am | crookedfang: | @vampwriter25 What, am I like a pet vamp? O.O #teamvamp |
3:14 am | Wookiesgirl: | @vampwriter25 NOPE he does not.. Well He’s my Favorite. His writer and I are very good friends! =) #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @Wookiesgirl Does @crookedfang belong to you >> don’t think he “belongs” to anyone from the sound of him #teamvamp |
3:14 am | KattyVamp: | Hmm… knew I was missing someone tonight… Ahres *giggles* #teamvamp |
3:14 am | Jinxie_G: | @crookedfang An ADHD vampire. Interesting. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang I know sweetie.. You’re fine. I’m teasing you. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam The murder, the bloodlust, and the lost of love #teamvamp |
3:15 am | vampwriter25: | @crookedfang A pet? Noooooo, surely not… hahah #teamvamp |
3:15 am | vampwriter25: | @Wookiesgirl Ohhh… a friend of yours… ok… #teamvamp |
3:16 am | crookedfang: | @Jinxie_G “Interesdting” means “Weird” doesn’t it. >.< #teamvamp |
3:16 am | VampTeam: | So @bdmiller3132 do your vampires view the murder/bloodlust as a curse then? or do they revel in it? #teamvamp |
3:16 am | crookedfang: | I am fueled by the power of @shadowsinstone. Let us not speak of her lest she poof in with bats. >.> #teamvamp |
3:16 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @Wookiesgirl Ohhh… a friend of yours… ok…>> SNORT!!! like that just speakes volumes … xoxoxox #teamvamp |
3:16 am | Jinxie_G: | @crookedfang No, never. Not when it comes to you, Xan. *winks* #teamvamp |
3:17 am | KattyVamp: | Ooh, three of my favorite things… mmm… RT @bdmiller3132 @VampTeam The murder, the bloodlust, and the lost of love #teamvamp |
3:17 am | crookedfang: | @vampwriter25 Well I dunno, it could be kinda kinky… #teamvamp |
3:17 am | VampTeam: | And @bdmiller3132 you have already published, yes? was it the first in a series? or a stand alone? #teamvamp |
3:18 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang HAHAHA… Nice.. #teamvamp |
3:18 am | vampwriter25: | @crookedfang Knew ya’d go with the threesome route… vamps rock hahah #teamvamp |
3:18 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam a little bit of both depending. My halfling hates the bloodlust #teamvamp |
3:18 am | VampTeam: | Awwww sh*t … @bdmiller3132 we’ve attracted the @KattyVamp … watch it now! #teamvamp |
3:18 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp if you haven’t read her books your missing out… Ive read them all ;P |
3:19 am | crookedfang: | @vampwriter25 Aww damn. You’re just wrong for that kinda talk. lol. #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampTeam: | RT @Dontblinkphotoz: @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp if you havent read her books your missing out… Ive read them all ;P #teamvamp |
3:19 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam The first is a stand lone, and I have a series out #teamvamp |
3:19 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Hey now… am I not kind enough to you? *snarls* #teamvamp |
3:20 am | vampwriter25: | @crookedfang Oops… sorry… #teamvamp |
3:20 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I saw that I like @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
3:20 am | VampTeam: | Yes, the hafling … @bdmiller3132 u mentioned that last week and I immediately thought of The Shire and Frodo … care 2 explain? #teamvamp |
3:20 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | bdmiller3132: @VampTeam The first is a stand lone, and I have a series out < Whats the name of the series? #teamvamp |
3:20 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Haha You DON’T do threesomes! @vampwriter25 #teamvamp |
3:21 am | bdmiller3132: | @Cute_Nicky1986 Catriona the Immortal is the first #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampTeam: | *brandishes pimp cane at* @KattyVamp No, no, not at all! You’re very kind to me, I was just warning @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp |
3:21 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Yup, she’s right. Girl/Girl = O.o I’m a more traditional typer. #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampTeam: | RT @Cute_Nicky1986: bdmiller3132: @VampTeam The first is a stand lone, and I have a series out < Whats the name of the series? #teamvamp |
3:21 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 *smiles* I like you too. #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @Cute_Nicky1986 Catriona the Immortal is the first #teamvamp |
3:21 am | vampwriter25: | RT @bdmiller3132: @Cute_Nicky1986 Catriona the Immortal is the first #teamvamp |
3:22 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Catriona is a 210 Halfling who grew up thinking she was just cursed #teamvamp |
3:22 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Yup… That’s my traditional vamp! #teamvamp |
3:22 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @crookedfang Haha You DONT do threesomes! @vampwriter25 >> yer kiddin right?!? in this room? that’s like air .. #teamvamp |
3:23 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam Catriona is a 210 Halfling who grew up thinking she was just cursed #teamvamp |
3:23 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Hmm… maybe not all vamps are naughty… hahhaha… none that I know… #teamvamp |
3:23 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | @bdmiller3132: @Cute_Nicky1986 Catriona the Immortal is the first < Available in bookstores? #teamvamp |
3:23 am | VampTeam: | sh*t hang on … have to go rescue snake from cat’s jaws…. any bets on whether it’s still laive when i get there? (keep going) #teamvamp |
3:24 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Um @crookedfang I’ll let you field that one hon..LOL @vampwriter25 >> yer kiddin right?!? in this room? #teamvamp |
3:24 am | vampwriter25: | ((I love when Juliet says ‘yer’)) Just saying… #randomsidenote #teamvamp |
3:24 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam Trust me, my brother? He does enough freak shit to uh, fill a book! LOL. Someone has to have some damn morality… #teamvamp |
3:24 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | rt: @VampWriter25: @VampTeam Hmm… maybe not all vamps are naughty… hahhaha… none that I know… #teamvamp |
3:25 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp Care to share your fav Char in the your series? and Why? |
3:25 am | VampTeam: | RT @Cute_Nicky1986: @bdmiller3132: @Cute_Nicky1986 Catriona the Immortal is the first < Available in bookstores? #teamvamp |
3:25 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Well, that I agree with. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | VampTeam: | RT @Dontblinkphotoz: @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp Care to share your fav Char in the your series? and Why? >> Great question! #teamvamp |
3:26 am | bdmiller3132: | @Dontblinkphotoz My fav Char is Serena. She is so Sassy. I love when she back talks everyone #teamvamp |
3:26 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Now that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna steal some dude’s girl. Heh. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:26 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang *raises eyebrow* *cough* Right… right… AANNNYWayyy #teamvamp |
3:27 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 Who is Serena? main char? vamp? human? hero? villian? the halfling??? #teamvamp |
3:27 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam You can buy Catriona the Immortal at The second is dur out in June #teamvamp |
3:27 am | vampwriter25: | @bdmiller3132 Ahhh yes… sassy… that’s a great characteristic. 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:27 am | vampwriter25: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam You can buy Catriona the Immortal at The second is dur out in June #teamvamp |
3:27 am | VampTeam: | Something tells me @crookedfang we’re all going to want to get to know you a LOT better … *raises glass* #teamvamp |
3:28 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam You can buy Catriona the Immortal at The second is dur out in June #teamvamp |
3:28 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Serena is a turned vampyre #teamvamp |
3:28 am | Jinxie_G: | Lovely, more books to read. I need to catch up! #teamvamp |
3:28 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam THAT is what I was thinking.. @crookedfang is VERY interesting. #teamvamp |
3:28 am | VampTeam: | And no, to answer a ? a few have asked. i do NOT have a snake. cat catches them outside and brings in the kitty door … *sigh* #teamvamp |
3:28 am | bdmiller3132: | @vampwriter25 I love Sassy big mouth vamps with a dark side #teamvamp |
3:28 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam Sure, trying to keep my mouth shut so @bdmiller3132 can answer questions. You guys are getting me in trouble. lol. #teamvamp |
3:28 am | vampwriter25: | @Jinxie_G No kidding… my list keeps growing!!! #teamvamp |
3:29 am | VampTeam: | RT @Jinxie_G: Lovely, more books to read. I need to catch up! >> Here, here! *raises glass … again!* #teamvamp |
3:29 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam There is VERY good reason he is my favorite. #teamvamp |
3:29 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam That’s a damn good cat… #teamvamp |
3:29 am | bdmiller3132: | @crookedfang I like trouble #teamvamp |
3:29 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @VampTeam There is VERY good reason he is my favorite >> I’m chomping at the bit … errrr, the neck … #teamvamp |
3:29 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Oh Come on! You know you’re larger then life.. The room gets smaller when you walk in! #teamvamp |
3:30 am | Jinxie_G: | @vampwriter25 Mine too and I’m not reading fast enough! LOL @VampTeam #teamvamp |
3:30 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 Do you have an agent? Was it hard to get one? #teamvamp |
3:30 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 Then I like you sweetheart. 😉 You’re my type – red. #teamvamp |
3:30 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp *COUGH* |
3:31 am | vampwriter25: | @Jinxie_G Ugh, I’m not reading anything at all! Well, a bit of ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’, been editing in ANY free time – not much #teamvamp |
3:31 am | VampTeam: | And with that last “agent” question to @bdmiller3132 the floor is open … (remember vamps last week “she” called you all tame!) #teamvamp |
3:31 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Yes I have an agent. She is the best in the world. Picking one is hard #teamvamp |
3:31 am | VampTeam: | RT @Dontblinkphotoz: @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp *COUGH* >>> ROTFL!! I just snorted on my keyboard! #teamvamp |
3:31 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 Tell me about the lost love? #teamvamp |
3:32 am | bdmiller3132: | @Dontblinkphotoz why cough #teamvamp |
3:32 am | Jinxie_G: | @vampwriter25 heh I’m reading that one too, along with The Forest of Hands and Teeth and several others. LOL #teamvamp |
3:32 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 Ooooh yes, I wanna hear about her ‘un-tame’ vamps!!! #teamvamp |
3:32 am | bdmiller3132: | @Wookiesgirl He is over 1000 years old and an Ass. #teamvamp |
3:32 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp Cuz I know you and Sassy is your middle name ROFL |
3:33 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam And I knew you’d be chomping at the neck and or bit when you met my favorite @crookedfang #teamvamp |
3:33 am | VampTeam: | @Jinxie_G @vampwriter25 gotta get you two to help me with my reading list (after @bdmiller3132‘s books, of course!) #teamvamp |
3:33 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp The is Serena, very untamed. #teamvamp |
3:33 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Who knows if there is any vampire conferences? #Randomquestion #teamvamp |
3:33 am | VampTeam: | Check her out here folks: anyone brave enough to enter the coffin deserves a read!!! #teamvamp |
3:33 am | bdmiller3132: | @Dontblinkphotoz Yes I know that is what makes Serena the best right #teamvamp |
3:34 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 And he’s the lost love? Who did he hurt or is it him that’s hurt? #teamvamp |
3:34 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 Awesome, tell us about her! #teamvamp |
3:34 am | judybopp: | hello – sorry, dinner ran over… what I miss? 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:34 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Uh oh… what more to read?!?! #teamvamp |
3:34 am | bdmiller3132: | @Cute_Nicky1986 There are alot of them. New Orleans has one during Halloween #teamvamp |
3:34 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp Makes your books not dull and more exciting yes |
3:34 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 Ooh your name is Brandy What an appropriate name . Uhh. Just because. >.> #teamvamp |
3:34 am | VampTeam: | I don’t know personally @Cute_Nicky1986 – but the best person to ask about conferences is @Gabrielle_Faust she know it all! #teamvamp |
3:35 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @bdmiller3132 And hes the lost love? Who did he hurt or is it him thats hurt? >> yes, please explain #teamvamp |
3:35 am | bdmiller3132: | @Wookiesgirl He hurts Catriona in more ways then one. #teamvamp |
3:35 am | bdmiller3132: | @crookedfang yea #teamvamp |
3:35 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Oh I have the very first series you should read. I’ll tell ya later #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | Hey!! @judybopp we’re hearing about @bdmiller3132‘s characters — she’s all about sassy vampires, lost love and murder … #teamvamp |
3:36 am | judybopp: | hello @teamvamp – sorry, dinner ran over… how is everyone tonight #teamvamp |
3:36 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 Hmm.. Interesting. So he’s old and because of that maybe cold hearted? Lost too much of his humanity? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @VampTeam Oh I have the very first series you should read. Ill tell ya later >> ok, cool *winks* #teamvamp |
3:36 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 See, now I just want a sip. 😉 Just. One. Sip. #teamvamp |
3:36 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Alright ill have to. search the jersey area. #teamvamp |
3:36 am | vampwriter25: | @bdmiller3132 I really like the name ‘Catriona’… did you ‘make it up’ cuz I don’t think i’ve heard it before… ? #teamvamp |
3:36 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam On my site you will see the part of my first chapter #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang I think @bdmiller3132 would like your brother. #teamvamp |
3:37 am | judybopp: | @teamvamp – I’m scrolling through the chat now.. I loves me some vampires…sassy is good #teamvamp |
3:37 am | vampwriter25: | @judybopp Hello!!! Welcome to the madness! #teamvamp |
3:37 am | bdmiller3132: | @crookedfang Just like the real Brandy I am smooth #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Beekeeper12: | Hello everyone… Good evening! #teamvamp |
3:37 am | jterzieff: | RT @vampwriter25: @bdmiller3132 I really like the name ‘Catriona’… did you ‘make it up’ cuz I don’t think i’ve heard it before… ? #teamvamp |
3:37 am | bdmiller3132: | @Wookiesgirl He never really had any. He is a born Vampyre #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Beekeeper12: | Sorry I’m late… What did I miss? #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp *COUGH* Rofl |
3:38 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl You think? The thought of him using a hashtag or speaking like a normal person makes me guffaw I’m tellin’ ya. #teamvamp |
3:38 am | jterzieff: | On the process … @bdmiller3132 how long did it take you to write Catriona? how long to publish? #teamvamp |
3:38 am | jterzieff: | On the vamps …. @bdmiller3132 do they live in the “real” world? #teamvamp |
3:38 am | bdmiller3132: | @Dontblinkphotoz True, but the sex, blood and rock in roll makes it worth it #teamvamp |
3:38 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 You do realize we vamps have Google maps too. lol #teamvamp |
3:38 am | vampwriter25: | @Beekeeper12 Aww, ya missed *everything*!!! #dramaticmoment hahaha #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Haha OMG you said Guffaw.. Well I know. I agree but the tweetchat at least does it for you.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:39 am | vampwriter25: | I was about to ask this too 🙂 RT @jterzieff: On the vamps …. @bdmiller3132 do they live in the “real” world? #teamvamp |
3:39 am | VampTeam: | Hey!! @Beekeeper12 how are you? we’re hearing about @bdmiller3132‘s vamps! #teamvamp |
3:39 am | judybopp: | thanks @vampwriter25 I’m scrolling thru the chat, and checking out @bdmiller3132 ‘s blog #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Beekeeper12 Hi honey bee #teamvamp |
3:39 am | bdmiller3132: | @jterzieff Catriona means the child in Gaelic. Catriona was born in Ireland #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Dontblinkphotoz: | #teamvamp Hides her ip address with location on it |
3:40 am | Beekeeper12: | @vampwriter25 Hahaha I see… Well, I was busy… Hmm u don’t wanna know. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | bdmiller3132: | @vampwriter25 yes they live in the real world #teamvamp |
3:40 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 That’s an interesting twist.. I agree then how could he have any feelings or emotions.. Almost Robotic yes? #teamvamp |
3:40 am | IRunWithVamps7: | Did I miss it? I just got home. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | VampTeam: | RT @jterzieff: On the process … @bdmiller3132 how long did it take you to write Catriona? how long to publish? #teamvamp |
3:40 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: I was about to ask this too 🙂 RT @jterzieff: On the vamps …. @bdmiller3132 do they live in the “real” world? #teamvamp |
3:40 am | bdmiller3132: | @crookedfang yea so not scared. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | vampwriter25: | @Beekeeper12 Ehh… I probably don’t… #teamvamp |
3:40 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam Hello! I’m great! You? Oh, that’s great!! #teamvamp |
3:41 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam No problem! LOL @vampwriter25 #teamvamp |
3:41 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Maybe, if they want to deal with his old cranky ass. 😛 #teamvamp |
3:41 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @bdmiller3132 interesting twist.. I agree then how could he have any feelings or emotions.. Almost Robotic yes? #teamvamp |
3:41 am | Beekeeper12: | @Wookiesgirl Hey sweets! Back home? #teamvamp |
3:41 am | vampwriter25: | @IRunWithVamps7 Hello! Welcome! @bdmiller3132 is talkin’ about her vamps! #teamvamp |
3:41 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam it took me a 1/2 year to write it and a year to publish it #teamvamp |
3:41 am | VampTeam: | Hello and welcome!! @IRunWithVamps7 we’re still going! floor is open for any questions for author @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp |
3:41 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam it took me a 1/2 year to write it and a year to publish it #teamvamp |
3:42 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Well of course it’s up to him and your writer.. But I think he would bring a new flavor to the table.. #teamvamp |
3:42 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | @bdmiller3132: Are they aloud to fall in love with human or make a human a vampire? #teamvamp |
3:42 am | vampwriter25: | Wow, that’s not bad, right? Pretty quick? RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam it took me a 1/2 year to write it and a year to publish it #teamvamp |
3:42 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @Wookiesgirl if they want to deal with his old cranky ass. 😛 >>> Intriguing!!!!!! (i’m gonna tag u, u know) #teamvamp |
3:42 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Sabastian has issues with life #teamvamp |
3:42 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang But I am perfectly happy having you here.. *hugs* #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampTeam: | That is pretty quick! Did you get your first choice as agent? *cough* #teamvamp |
3:43 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 That’s awesome.. Do you work too? #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @crookedfang But I am perfectly happy having you here.. *hugs* >> AGREED!!! #teamvamp |
3:43 am | bdmiller3132: | @Cute_Nicky1986 My Vampyre are called Pure Bloods , turning is against Immortal law #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam Sabastian has issues with life >> like what??? #teamvamp |
3:43 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 Good because stalking is expensive…and illegal. #teamvamp |
3:44 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam yes I did. #teamvamp |
3:44 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @bdmiller3132 Good because stalking is expensive…and illegal >> I GOTTA get a water-proof keyboard!!! #teamvamp |
3:44 am | vampwriter25: | *snort* Oh, is it? Really? RT @crookedfang: @bdmiller3132 Good because stalking is expensive…and illegal. #teamvamp |
3:44 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl I think I have to thank you for dragging me in. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Heh.. You can thank me later.. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Ahh ok gotcha rt: @bdmiller3132: @Cute_Nicky1986 My Vampyre are called Pure Bloods , turning is against Immortal law #teamvamp |
3:45 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam I am soo not scared of @crookedfang. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam yes I did. >> if only all writers were so fortunate. *envy may lie behind the knock at your door* HA! #teamvamp |
3:46 am | vampwriter25: | What year is it? RT @bdmiller3132: @vampwriter25 yes they live in the real world #teamvamp |
3:46 am | judybopp: | @bdmiller3132 is Catriona The Immortal sold in the US – major bookstores? #teamvamp |
3:46 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Was supposed to go to bed but got sucked into #teamvamp chat! Lol 🙂 |
3:46 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 Well I’m not scared of him either.. LOL.. @crookedfang Although I have seen him at his worst #teamvamp |
3:46 am | VampTeam: | You @bdmiller3132 are just determined to bait the vamps! (do NOT open the door, do NOT open the window … invest in garlic) #teamvamp |
3:47 am | vampwriter25: | Happens to the worst of us hahahah RT @Cute_Nicky1986: Was supposed to go to bed but got sucked into #teamvamp chat! Lol 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:47 am | crookedfang: | @vampwriter25 There’s all that driving around, maps and stuff. And then they totally don’t appreciate all you did just to see em. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam HAHAHA Garlic? Oh my.. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Garlic? Really? #teamvamp |
3:47 am | bdmiller3132: | @vampwriter25 it is the year 2009 in Catriona the Immortal #teamvamp |
3:47 am | VampTeam: | and you survived?!? @Wookiesgirl NICE!! #teamvamp |
3:47 am | Beekeeper12: | RT @crookedfang: Theres all that driving around, maps and stuff. And then they totally dont appreciate all you did just to see em. #teamvamp |
3:48 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang You never hear me complaining! #teamvamp |
3:48 am | vampwriter25: | @crookedfang I know, right? Especially with gas prices so high… #teamvamp |
3:48 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 Fantastic. My rep is ruined. Gonna go bury my head in sand, brb. #teamvamp |
3:48 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp Hey yo… wanna jump? #teamvamp |
3:48 am | vampwriter25: | @bdmiller3132 Awesome :-)~ #teamvamp |
3:48 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Garlic doesnt work myth #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampTeam: | OK now really?!?!?!? @bdmiller3132 is baiting ALL the vamps — i say “garlic” and get pounced on!?!?!? what a world, what a world #teamvamp |
3:48 am | vampwriter25: | Umm… no one asked you… RT @KattyVamp: @VampTeam Garlic? Really? #teamvamp |
3:49 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | @Vampwriter25 lol doesnt really #teamvamp |
3:49 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Well, you know I can’t help it. #teamvamp |
3:49 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam Oh @crookedfang and I are VERY Good friends.. Right @crookedfang? (you better say yes) #teamvamp |
3:49 am | bdmiller3132: | @crookedfang sorry #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam Garlic doesnt work myth >> yeah, yea, yeah …. *last time i open a vein for any of these vamps* #teamvamp |
3:50 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam lol #teamvamp |
3:50 am | crookedfang: | @bdmiller3132 Just don’t tell anyone else? XD #teamvamp |
3:51 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl Uhh, wha? Yeah we hang out. #teamvamp |
3:51 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 are your vampyres “out”? do the humans know they exist? #teamvamp |
3:51 am | judybopp: | @bdmiller3132 do ur vamps walk in the daylight or strictly nocturnal? #teamvamp |
3:51 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Your rep is NOT ruined.. It stands.. BELIEVE ME @bdmiller3132 #teamvamp |
3:51 am | vampwriter25: | @vampteam Didn’t I tell you to ignore her!?! She’s a bitch, what do you expect. :-)~ #teamvamp |
3:51 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 and if turning is illegal – does that mean there is only a limited number of vampires? or can your vamps procreate? #teamvamp |
3:51 am | bdmiller3132: | @judybopp no only on Amazon, soon it will be on Kindle #teamvamp |
3:51 am | Jinxie_G: | Gotta jet and do some editing. @bdmiller3132 I’ll have to look into your books. Thanks for answering questions here tonight. =) #teamvamp |
3:51 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @Wookiesgirl Uhh, wha? Yeah we hang out.>>> oh, that’s COLD … *see what these vamps r like?!?!* #teamvamp |
3:52 am | judybopp: | @vampwriter25 who are we ignoring?? #teamvamp |
3:52 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Oh nice.. Pfft #teamvamp |
3:52 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam yes and no. Human goverment uses them to Assin people, but normal people no #teamvamp |
3:52 am | VampTeam: | RT @judybopp: @bdmiller3132 do ur vamps walk in the daylight or strictly nocturnal? >> Nice question! #teamvamp |
3:52 am | vampwriter25: | @bdmiller3132 Do your vamps go by *any* vamp myths or folklore? #teamvamp |
3:52 am | crookedfang: | @Wookiesgirl YES I like you. DUH. >.< #teamvamp |
3:52 am | vampwriter25: | @judybopp Hahahaha… my vamp… she’s annoying… #teamvamp |
3:52 am | VampTeam: | RT @Jinxie_G: Gotta jet and do some editing. @bdmiller3132 Ill have to look into your books. Thanks for answering ?s here tonight. #teamvamp |
3:52 am | judybopp: | @bdmiller3132 I read the sample piece you posted on ur blog, I am intrigued with the Alchemy aspect of her #teamvamp |
3:52 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam my vampyre can have children every 200 years #teamvamp |
3:53 am | VampTeam: | @Jinxie_G thanks for haning out with us!!! 😉 xoxoxo #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | There some fighting words flying around on #teamvamp chat lol |
3:53 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam YOU are INSTIGATING. lol #teamvamp |
3:53 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @bdmiller3132 Do your vamps go by *any* vamp myths or folklore? #teamvamp |
3:53 am | crookedfang: | @Jinxie_G Later Gee. #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Wookiesgirl: | @bdmiller3132 THAT is a really LONG time.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:53 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam my vampyre can have children every 200 years >> ooooh, that’s kinda cool …. and unusual …!!! #teamvamp |
3:53 am | bdmiller3132: | @vampwriter25 Irish forklore. #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Beekeeper12: | @bdmiller3132 children? so they have sex & reproduce that way? #teamvamp |
3:53 am | KattyVamp: | Well, ain’t that about a bitch… *growls* RT @vampwriter25: @judybopp Hahahaha… my vamp… shes annoying… #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam I’ll be back, I’m sure. *winks* #teamvamp |
3:53 am | judybopp: | @vampwriter25 LOL! My vamp is sarcastic and darkly comedic…hmmm kinda like ME 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:54 am | Jinxie_G: | @crookedfang Later Mr. X. =p #teamvamp |
3:54 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @VampTeam YOU are INSTIGATING. lol >> heck yeah! I always got ganged up on, so now I pre-empt! #teamvamp |
3:54 am | Wookiesgirl: | @KattyVamp Awe honey.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:54 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Yes, very unusual… how do they reproduce @bdmiller3132?? Love me some vampsex #teamvamp |
3:54 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Wow thats differnet then other stories. Rt: @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam my vampyre can have children every 200 years #teamvamp |
3:55 am | vampwriter25: | @judybopp Hahaha, mine too… 🙂 My mom read the 1st draft and said -omg! That’s you!-… hahaha #teamvamp |
3:55 am | VampTeam: | @Ahres_Guardian and @MasterVamp will usually rally to my side, but neither are here tonight @crookedfang #teamvamp |
3:55 am | bdmiller3132: | @judybopp there are differnt aspect of the craft. Everyday until my birthday I will post a chapter of the book. #teamvamp |
3:55 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp U again…. #teamvamp |
3:55 am | judybopp: | @vampwriter25 haha Vampsex!! who doesn’t love vampsex! #teamvamp |
3:55 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Beekeeper12 Well they are not lizards honey bee.. So Yes Sex I am sure.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | the “Kat” is unpredicatable @crookedfang so I fend for myself in here … I’m only human after all …. gotta protect the veins! #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @VampTeam Yes, very unusual… how do they reproduce @bdmiller3132?? Love me some vampsex #teamvamp |
3:56 am | bdmiller3132: | @Beekeeper12 yes, they have alot of sex #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @judybopp there are differnt aspect of the craft. Everyday until my birthday I will post a chapter of the book. #teamvamp |
3:56 am | vampwriter25: | @judybopp I KNOW, RIGHT!?!?! Yay for vampsex! #teamvamp |
3:56 am | judybopp: | @bdmiller3132 wonderful, I like the alchemy and the curse you wrote about. I’d be bored being a collection agent too! #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | @bdmiller3132 so when’s your birthday?!?! and do you have a publication date for the second book? #teamvamp |
3:57 am | Beekeeper12: | @Wookiesgirl Lizards have sex, sweets… LOL #teamvamp |
3:57 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @Beekeeper12 Well they are not lizards honey bee.. So Yes Sex I am sure.. LOL #teamvamp |
3:57 am | Beekeeper12: | @bdmiller3132 Oh… Interesting… #teamvamp |
3:57 am | KattyVamp: | You’re my FAVE! RT @VampTeam: the “Kat” is unpredicatable @crookedfang so I fend for myself in here…. gotta protect the veins! #teamvamp |
3:57 am | VampTeam: | RT @Beekeeper12: @Wookiesgirl Lizards have sex, sweets… LOL >> now there’s something you dont hear every day …. LOL #teamvamp |
3:57 am | judybopp: | @vampwriter25 hahaha! I say living in CA is like loving a vampire: beautiful, sexy, exciting, and dangerous! #teamvamp |
3:57 am | vampwriter25: | YOU WOULD know… hahahha RT @Beekeeper12: @Wookiesgirl Lizards have sex, sweets… LOL #teamvamp |
3:57 am | Wookiesgirl: | HELL YES! RT @vampwriter25: @judybopp I KNOW, RIGHT!?!?! Yay for vampsex! #teamvamp |
3:57 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam My b-day is the 21st of May, and for that weekend I will have the whole book posted. #teamvamp |
3:58 am | vampwriter25: | @Wookiesgirl hahahaha #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam My b-day is the 21st of May, and for that weekend I will have the whole book posted. #teamvamp |
3:58 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Beekeeper12 Not all of them some a-sexual.. IS that what’s its called? #teamvamp |
3:58 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam and The Blood of Catriona is out in the middle of June #teamvamp |
3:58 am | vampwriter25: | @judybopp hahahah, all that and then some! #teamvamp |
3:58 am | crookedfang: | I’m out folks. Feel free to friend me or follow or whatever. No flash photography and drop by my writing thingie. Lates – X #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampTeam: | Keep up to date with the latest here: and follow @bdmiller3132 !!! #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam and The Blood of Catriona is out in the middle of June #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Awesome! Rt: @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam My b-day is the 21st of May, and for that weekend I will have the whole book posted. #teamvamp |
3:59 am | bdmiller3132: | @judybopp keep an eye out everyday. A new chapter will be posted #teamvamp |
3:59 am | VampTeam: | @crookedfang thanks for dropping in!!! Hope we see you again soon!!! #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Wookiesgirl: | @crookedfang Thanks for coming Xan.. *hugs* #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Beekeeper12: | @Wookiesgirl Hmm… all reptiles have sex… Fishes don’t. #teamvamp |
3:59 am | KattyVamp: | Can we cease lizard-sex conversation? Please… it’s vamp chat… #teamvamp |
3:59 am | crookedfang: | @VampTeam Yeah, I think you will. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:59 am | vampwriter25: | RT @bdmiller3132: @judybopp keep an eye out everyday. A new chapter will be posted #teamvamp |
4:00 am | judybopp: | @bdmiller3132 I will – I am following u now…I’m not a stalker though, just a pesky vamp lover! haha #teamvamp |
4:00 am | VampTeam: | RT @Beekeeper12: @Wookiesgirl all reptiles have sex >> u sure?? i thought some lizards reproduced asexually or is that frogs? #teamvamp |
4:00 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp U…. shut that mouth… Go hunt or something… #teamvamp |
4:00 am | Wookiesgirl: | @Beekeeper12 No not all.. I know this! My ex husband had lizards.. I may be wrong.. *shrug* #teamvamp |
4:00 am | VampTeam: | RT @crookedfang: @VampTeam Yeah, I think you will. 😉 >> AWESOME!!! #teamvamp |
4:00 am | vampwriter25: | *snort* Ok, that was funny… RT @KattyVamp: Can we cease lizard-sex conversation? Please… its vamp chat… #teamvamp |
4:01 am | KattyVamp: | @Beekeeper12 I’ll bite you, bitch *growls* #teamvamp |
4:01 am | judybopp: | I really have to edit my chapters I’ve posted, takes a lot to get a book published! #teamvamp |
4:01 am | bdmiller3132: | @judybopp great to hear #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam Oh yes! Now I remember! There’s only 1 specie that can reproduce without sex… they’re all female lizards. #teamvamp |
4:01 am | VampTeam: | RT @KattyVamp: Youre my FAVE! @VampTeam >> somebody stop the press!!! I got LOVE fromt he “Kat”!!! NICE!!!!! #teamvamp |
4:02 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: *snort* Ok, that was funny… RT @KattyVamp: Can we cease lizard-sex conversation? Please… its vamp chat… #teamvamp |
4:02 am | bdmiller3132: | @KattyVamp that is why we love you #teamvamp |
4:02 am | VampTeam: | Last question from me @bdmiller3132 — do you have any tips for unpublished writers? #teamvamp |
4:02 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Just this once… *snarls* #teamvamp |
4:03 am | VampTeam: | RT @KattyVamp: @VampTeam Just this once… *snarls* >>. I’m printing a screen shot! #teamvamp |
4:03 am | Beekeeper12: | @KattyVamp Then do it… I’ll b waiting for you. Then u know, we may jump ya know.. #teamvamp |
4:03 am | judybopp: | Fiction is great…you can make it up as you go along. I just wish a real vampire would pop over & say HI *flashes my neck* heehee #teamvamp |
4:03 am | KattyVamp: | @bdmiller3132 He desperately needs to be bitten *growls*… shut him up for a day… or two… #teamvamp |
4:04 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the wole world you read it #teamvamp |
4:04 am | KattyVamp: | Yeah, how about DON’T IGNORE YOUR VAMP! RT @VampTeam: Last question from me @bdmiller3132 — any tips for unpublished writers? #teamvamp |
4:04 am | jterzieff: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the wole world you read it #teamvamp |
4:04 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the wole world you read it #teamvamp |
4:05 am | KattyVamp: | *shudders* Not likely, little boy… RT @Beekeeper12: @KattyVamp Then do it… Ill b waiting for you… we may jump ya know.. #teamvamp |
4:05 am | VampTeam: | RT @KattyVamp: Yeah, how about DONT IGNORE YOUR VAMP! >>> that’s a good one too!!! #teamvamp |
4:05 am | judybopp: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the whole world you read it #teamvamp |
4:05 am | Cute_Nicky1986: | Totally true rt: @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the wole world you read it #teamvamp |
4:05 am | VampTeam: | Ok so we’re well up on the hour (as usual) @bdmiller3132 — you were great! in a very fast paced chat! Thank you! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | KattyVamp: | *eyes roll* You would… RT @KattyVamp: @VampTeam Just this once… *snarls* >>. Im printing a screen shot! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the whole world should read it #teamvamp |
4:06 am | VampTeam: | Remember if you want to know more, follow @bdmiller3132 and check her out here: #teamvamp |
4:06 am | judybopp: | @VampTeam @bdmiller3132 Writing is art, painting a picture with words taking ppl to new imagined places they never dreamed of #teamvamp |
4:06 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Yea, tell my writer that… #teamvamp |
4:06 am | VampTeam: | RT @bdmiller3132: @VampTeam never give up on your dream. Writing is an art, and the whole world should read it #teamvamp |
4:06 am | bdmiller3132: | @VampTeam Yes, thank you #teamvamp |
4:07 am | Annarkie: | @bdmiller3132 @VampTeam Thanks so much! Sorry I missed most of it. #teamvamp |
4:07 am | vampwriter25: | *ignoring vamp… ignoring vamp* #teamvamp |
4:07 am | VampTeam: | RT @KattyVamp: @VampTeam Yea, tell my writer that… >> I WILL, but only cause i got the love w/out a bite tonight! LOL #teamvamp |
4:07 am | VampTeam: | RT @Annarkie: @bdmiller3132 @VampTeam Thanks so much! Sorry I missed most of it>> hey girl! I’ll post a transcript on my website #teamvamp |
4:07 am | Beekeeper12: | @bdmiller3132 Been a pleasure 2 read u tonite… #teamvamp |
4:07 am | judybopp: | Thanks for the chat @vampteam , @bdmiller3132 – I’ll be checking ur blog daily! #teamvamp |
4:08 am | vampwriter25: | Oh hell, @vampteam is falling into @KattyVamp‘s evil trap… #teamvamp |
4:08 am | VampTeam: | and just as a last piece of bidness, u all probably know Ning is changing, so we’ll likely lose our ning community #teamvamp |
4:08 am | vampwriter25: | Thanks sooooo much @bdmiller3132 the chat was awesome!!! #teamvamp |
4:08 am | bdmiller3132: | @Beekeeper12 nice to see I am not the only one who gets snarky with the vamps #teamvamp |
4:08 am | VampTeam: | I still haven’t figured out what to do … but for chat transcripts n stuff check my website #teamvamp |
4:09 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam those Ning bastards… #teamvamp |
4:09 am | VampTeam: | If anyone owns a server or is particularly “techie” let me know — i could use some help! #teamvamp |
4:09 am | vampwriter25: | RT @VampTeam: I still havent figured out what to do … but for chat transcripts n stuff check my website #teamvamp |
4:09 am | Beekeeper12: | @vampwriter25 Ehm, I’m not falling into that betch, ya know? #teamvamp |
4:09 am | vampwriter25: | RT @VampTeam: If anyone owns a server or is particularly “techie” let me know — i could use some help! #teamvamp |
4:09 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: Oh hell, @vampteam is falling into @KattyVamps evil trap… >>> gotta protect the veins!!! LOL #teamvamp |
4:10 am | Beekeeper12: | @bdmiller3132 Of course u’re not the only one! Cheers for that!!! #teamvamp |
4:10 am | vampwriter25: | @Beekeeper12 Hahaha, ok, keep tellin yourself that hahaha #teamvamp |
4:10 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Oh please… you wanna get bit, but would prefer Ahres or Luke… (yum) #teamvamp |
4:10 am | VampTeam: | and i know i’m gonna “get” it but I have TWO transcripts to put up tomorrow — @bdmiller3132 and last week’s with @KattyVamp #teamvamp |
4:12 am | KattyVamp: | @VampTeam Oh yea, don’t wanna miss that!!! #teamvamp |
4:12 am | Beekeeper12: | Wooot!! I really like her RT @bdmiller3132: @Beekeeper12 nice to see I am not the only one who gets snarky with the vamps #teamvamp |
4:12 am | Wookiesgirl: | ROFL!!! RT @vampwriter25: @VampTeam Oh please… you wanna get bit, but would prefer Ahres or Luke… (yum) #teamvamp |
4:13 am | vampwriter25: | @Wookiesgirl Ya know it’s true hahahaha #teamvamp |
4:13 am | VampTeam: | RT @Beekeeper12: Wooot!! I really like her RT @bdmiller3132 nice to see I am not the only one who gets snarky with the vamps #teamvamp |
4:14 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @VampTeam Oh please… u wanna get bit, but would prefer Ahres or Luke… (yum) >>> oh SHUSH! *brandishes cane* #teamvamp |
4:14 am | VampTeam: | Seriously … if only my Husband really knew what we all chat about in here … (thank god he’s not on twitter) #teamvamp |
4:15 am | vampwriter25: | *claps hands* Yay! The pimp cane is back! Ehh, I mean… no… go away… @vampteam #teamvamp |
4:15 am | Wookiesgirl: | @vampwriter25 I DO.. It’s totally true @VampTeam #teamvamp |
4:15 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Hahah… I think that all the time… if only they knew… tee hee hee… hahah #teamvamp |
4:18 am | VampTeam: | RT @Wookiesgirl: @vampwriter25 I DO.. Its totally true @VampTeam >> *waving the pimp cane furiously* is this thing on?!?! #teamvamp |
4:18 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: *claps hands* Yay! The pimp cane is back! Ehh, I mean… no… go away… @vampteam >> you know you LOVE it! #teamvamp |
4:20 am | VampTeam: | ‘kay, closing the coffin lid ( #dayjob starts too early) thanks #vampire fan(G)s n ghouls! see you next week! #teamvamp |