Special Teams Chat – April 30 with guest author, advocate @AutismMomExpert
12:15 am | SpecTeams: | Join the #specialteams chat top of the next hour with inspiring #autism advocate @AutismMomExpert #specialneeds |
12:16 am | jterzieff: | RT @SpecTeams: Join the #specialteams chat top of the next hour with inspiring #autism advocate @AutismMomExpert #specialneeds |
12:47 am | SpecTeams: | Starting in 15 mins chat with @AutismMomExpert and the story of her #specialteams |
12:52 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @SpecTeams: Starting in 10 min chat with @AutismMomExpert and the story of her #specialteams |
12:58 am | AutismMomExpert: | @ jterzieff Hi Juliette, when I send out a tweet to I @ reply the person I get the tweet from? #specialteams |
12:58 am | SpecTeams: | Getting ready to open up tonight’s chat featuring @AutismMomExpert #specialteams |
1:00 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert yes, you can answer someone directly or address the group in general, as well, as seems appropriate #specialteams |
1:00 am | AutismMomExpert: | RT @SpecTeams: Come chat with us now with inspiring #specialteams mom, author, #autism advocate @AutismMomExpert #specialneeds |
1:00 am | SpecTeams: | Come join us in tweetchat here: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams for a conversation with @AutismMomExpert #autism #specialteams |
1:01 am | kadiera: | hi everyone! #specialteams |
1:01 am | SpecTeams: | When you get in the room, set the refresh speed down to 5 seconds for the fastest updates #specialteams |
1:01 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @SpecTeams: Come join us in tweetchat here: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteam with @AutismMomExpert #autism #specialteams |
1:01 am | SpecTeams: | @kadiera Hey there! Thanks for joining! #specialteams |
1:02 am | SpecTeams: | @sneakpeekatme hello! good to see you! #specialteams |
1:02 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Thank you so much for making the time to be here! #specialteams |
1:03 am | AutismMomExpert: | Thank you for asking me! #specialteams |
1:03 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert For those who may not know, can you give us an overview of your family and your experiences #specialteams |
1:03 am | SpecTeams: | Chat with @AutismMomExpert starting now here: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #autism #specialneeds #specialteams |
1:04 am | jterzieff: | RT @SpecTeams: Come join us in tweetchat here: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams for a conversation with @AutismMomExpert #autism #specialteams |
1:04 am | jterzieff: | RT @SpecTeams: Chat with @AutismMomExpert starting now here: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #autism #specialneeds #specialteams |
1:04 am | AutismMomExpert: | I have two sons both adults and my son Brandon is 37 and has Asperger’s, intractable epilepsy, and severe learning disorders. #specialteams |
1:06 am | ageofautism: | RT @AutismMomExpert: I have two sons both adults and my son Brandon is 37 and has Asperger’s, intractable epilepsy, and severe learning disorders. #specialteams |
1:06 am | sneakpeekatme: | I’m here..listening & learning.. #specialteams |
1:06 am | AutismMomExpert: | I was told by the professionals who worked with Brandon that he would never be able to live on his own. They were wrong! #specialteams |
1:07 am | SpecTeams: | @sneakpeekatme thanks chica! I know this is bed time for some of our regulars – appreciate it! #specialteams |
1:07 am | AutismMomExpert: | Brandon has been living on his own for the past thirteen years, enjoying his independence. #specialteams |
1:09 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Obivously you faced many, many challenges along the way – as any parent of a #specialneeds child #specialteams |
1:09 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams I have posted several answers but don’ see them here. Any suggestions? #specialteams |
1:09 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert What made you decide to reach out to other parents? And how did you go about it? #specialteams |
1:10 am | AutismMomExpert: | Join me for a #specialteams TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #specialteams |
1:10 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Hmmmm, that’s odd. I can see all your answers (I think) … is the refresh speed set to 5 seconds? #specialteams |
1:10 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @AutismMomExpert: Brandon has been living on his own for the past thirteen years, enjoying his independence. #specialteams |
1:10 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: Join me for a #specialteams TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #specialteams |
1:11 am | jterzieff: | RT @AutismMomExpert: Join me for a #specialteams TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #specialteams |
1:12 am | SpecTeams: | You can learn more about @AutismMomExpert on her website: http://www.amaliastarrspeakerautism.com/ #autism #specialneeds #specialteams |
1:12 am | sneakpeekatme: | @AutismMomExpert I can see your answers…sometimes there is a delay in Tweetchat esp. since TH is popular Twitter party nite #specialteams |
1:13 am | FroggyPrinceMom: | RT @AutismMomExpert: Brandon has been living on his own for the past thirteen years, enjoying his independence. #specialteams |
1:14 am | FroggyPrinceMom: | RT @AutismMomExpert: Join me for a #specialteams TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #specialteams |
1:14 am | sneakpeekatme: | @AutismMomExpert My nephew just celebrated his 15th bday, I know my sis would love see him live independently too some day. #specialteams |
1:15 am | SpecTeams: | Tweetchat seems particularly slow this evening – apologies – hope @AutismMomExpert is not experiencing technical difficulties #specialteams |
1:15 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams I had no one to talk to when Brandon was born. I was lost and had to find my way in the dark. I became an autism… #specialteams |
1:16 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams I had no one to talk to when Brandon was born. I was lost and had to find my way in the dark. I became an autism… #specialteams |
1:16 am | SpecTeams: | RT @sneakpeekatme: @AutismMomExpert My nephew just celebrated his 15th bday, I know my sis would love see him live independently too some day. #specialteams |
1:17 am | SpecTeams: | @FroggyPrinceMom hey lady! thanks for popping in!!! (and YAY! on your #inchstone tweets earlier!) #specialteams |
1:17 am | AutismMomExpert: | Motivational Speaker to be heard & to help parents. I love what I do & feel honored to speak on behalf of those who can’t. #specialteams |
1:18 am | sneakpeekatme: | I can relate! RT @AutismMomExpert: I had no one to talk to when Brandon was born. I was lost & had to find my way in the dark. #specialteams |
1:18 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert So essentially your current efforts grew out of a desire to reach out and connect with other parents #specialteams |
1:19 am | g_r_v: | Now there is a lot of info out there, finding the right info to help my son is the tough part (he has Asperger’s d/o) #specialteams |
1:19 am | SpecTeams: | Unfortunately too many #specialneeds parents feel cut off, alone and stumbling in the dark – especially in the beginning #specialteams |
1:19 am | 5MinSpecNeeds: | RT @SpecTeams: You can learn more about @AutismMomExpert: http://www.amaliastarrspeakerautism.com/ #autism #specialneeds #specialteams |
1:20 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Independence is a process it is never too early to begin. I talk about indepndence and how Brandon achieved it … #specialteams |
1:20 am | SpecTeams: | Hello @g_r_v thank you for joining us! #specialteams |
1:21 am | SpecTeams: | Hello! @5MinSpecNeeds thanks for RTing and participating! #specialteams |
1:21 am | g_r_v: | How I feel.RT @SpecTeams: Unfortunately too many #specialneeds parents feel cut off, alone and stumbling – esp in the beg #specialteams |
1:21 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Not a desire a necessity to help others. I am thrilled that my son is independent and I want to share what I … #specialteams |
1:21 am | g_r_v: | @SpecTeams Thank you. I am becoming a sponge for information. My son was dx’d late he was dx’d just after his 7th bday #specialteams |
1:22 am | g_r_v: | @AutismMomExpert I understand what you are saying–share your knowledge & experience to let others know what is possible? #specialteams |
1:22 am | SpecTeams: | @g_r_v believe me, we’ve been there. it’s terrifying. heck, most days i’m still there … #specialteams |
1:22 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams Not a desire a necessity to help others. I am thrilled that my son is independent and I want to share what I … #specialteams |
1:23 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams learned to help other parents along the trail. Giving back is the greatest gift. #specialteams |
1:23 am | SpecTeams: | RT @g_r_v: @AutismMomExpert I understand what you are saying–share your knowledge & experience to let others know what is possible? #specialteams |
1:23 am | g_r_v: | @SpecTeams Hard when his pedi nero said well just get the school to help as insurance won’t pay for therapy! So on my own. #specialteams |
1:24 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert When/what was your first public presentation? and how did it come about? #specialteams |
1:25 am | AutismMomExpert: | @g_r_v It is a tough road and I do not want pretend it isn’t. What I do know is we have to do our best and forge ahead… #specialteams |
1:26 am | AutismMomExpert: | @g_r_v No matter what! As moms we have it in us to achieve what our kids need and deserve. We fight for what is right. #specialteams |
1:26 am | g_r_v: | I just take it one day at a time. I can’t change others, I can only change myself. But I can help my son to be his best #specialteams |
1:26 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert @g_r_v It is a tough road …What I do know is we have to do our best and forge ahead #specialteams >> Well said! |
1:27 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams After my book, Raising Brandon was published doors began to open. I started doing local talks in bookstores and #specialteams |
1:27 am | g_r_v: | RT @SpecTeams: @AutismMomExpert When/what was your first public presentation? and how did it come about? #specialteams |
1:27 am | FroggyPrinceMom: | @SpecTeams Oh, & thanks! We’re working our way towards @AutismMomExpert‘s example, 1 inchstone at at time 🙂 #specialteams |
1:29 am | SpecTeams: | RT @FroggyPrinceMom: @SpecTeams Oh, & thanks! We’re working our way towards @AutismMomExpert‘s example, 1 inchstone at at time 🙂 #specialteams |
1:30 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Many of our regulars r writers and/or bloggers, so it would be interesting to hear how the book came about #specialteams |
1:31 am | AutismMomExpert: | @FroggyPrinceMom You bet that is how it is done 1 inchstone at a time. Keep up the great work! It is a process. #specialteams |
1:31 am | SpecTeams: | Chat with mom, writer, #autism advocate @AutismMomExpert happening now http://tweetchat.com/room/specialteams #specialteams |
1:32 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams I began by writing down how I felt and what I was going through each day.I never expected to make a book out of it. #specialteams |
1:33 am | jterzieff: | RT @SpecTeams: RT @AutismMomExpert @g_r_v It is a tough road …What I do know is we have to do our best and forge ahead #specialteams >> Well said! |
1:33 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams After Brandon had ten years of independence under his belt I knew we had something worth sharing. #specialteams |
1:34 am | jterzieff: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @g_r_v No matter what! As moms we have it in us to achieve what our kids need and deserve. We fight for what is right. #specialteams |
1:35 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams I began by writing down how I felt and what I was going through each day.I never expected to make a book out of it. #specialteams |
1:35 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams After Brandon had ten years of independence under his belt I knew we had something worth sharing. #specialteams |
1:35 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams It tooks years to write, but it was also healing. Writing is healing and it had served its purpose. My negative.. #specialteams |
1:36 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Was it difficult to find an agent/publisher? Especially as a first time writer? #specialteams |
1:36 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams It tooks years to write, but it was also healing. Writing is healing and it had served its purpose. My negative.. #specialteams |
1:36 am | g_r_v: | I wish I wrote down more of what we have experienced. I started a blog & my son thinks its funny.He gets a kick out of twitter #specialteams |
1:37 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams My negative feelings disappered and my heart was filled with more love and compassion for Brandon. My new life… #specialteams |
1:38 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Started to open up and here I am a motvational Speaker and author. Brandon gave me this new life. I owe him a lot. #specialteams |
1:38 am | jterzieff: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams It tooks years to write, but it was also healing. Writing is healing and it had served its purpose. My negative.. #specialteams |
1:39 am | jterzieff: | @AutismMomExpert I wanted to write down more of what we were experiencing but in the early days i was just too shell-shocked #specialteams |
1:40 am | SpecTeams: | RT @g_r_v: I wish I wrote down more of what we have experienced. I started a blog & my son thinks its funny.He gets a kick out of twitter #specialteams |
1:40 am | jterzieff: | @AutismMomExpert do you blog as well? #specialteams |
1:41 am | g_r_v: | It’s exhausting sometimes. I forget what I wanted to write. Now I have a laptop& can twit or post as it happens. It does help. #specialteams |
1:41 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Yes, I self published the book and it cost a lot of money, but I had to get the word out to help others. #specialteams |
1:44 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert oh wow! you self-published … that’s amazing! how did you get the word out? #specialteams |
1:44 am | superlaura: | RT @g_r_v How I feel.RT @SpecTeams: Unfortunately too many #specialneeds parents feel cut off, alone and stumbling – #specialteams |
1:44 am | AutismMomExpert: | @rucpsim Absolutely our children are capable of many things. Although independence may look different for every child. #specialteams |
1:45 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams It tooks years to write, it was also healing. Writing is healing & it had served its purpose #specialteams |
1:47 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @friedah03: Writing is so important to help others cope with barriers, not feel they are the only ones #specialteams |
1:47 am | SpecTeams: | RT @rucpsim @AutismMomExpert It is so encouraging to hear that it is possible for our autistic children to live independently #specialteams |
1:48 am | SpecTeams: | RT @sneakpeekatme: RT @friedah03: Writing is so important to help others cope with barriers, not feel they are the only ones #specialteams |
1:48 am | SpecTeams: | Hey @friedah03 thanks for joining us! #specialteams |
1:48 am | g_r_v: | @AutismMomExpert Your story is very encouraging. Esp after the one psych report was so dismal in expectations for my son. #specialteams |
1:49 am | jterzieff: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @rucpsim Absolutely our children are capable of many things. Although independence may look different for every child. #specialteams |
1:49 am | friedah03: | Writing is so important to help others cope with barriers, not feel they are the only ones #specialteams |
1:50 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Yes, and Independence will look differently for each child. You can still live at home and be independent. #specialteams #autism |
1:50 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Amazing story, really! And amazing that you had the stamina to reach out and try to share your experiences #specialteams |
1:51 am | sneakpeekatme: | @friedah03 That is exactly why I do what I do…not just for me, but to hopefully help others. #specialteams |
1:51 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert For parents just starting the journey – what would you say were the most valuable lessons you’ve learned? #specialteams |
1:51 am | SpecTeams: | Again, you can find out more about @AutismMomExpert and her great efforts here: http://www.amaliastarrspeakerautism.com/ #specialteams |
1:52 am | SpecTeams: | RT @sneakpeekatme: @friedah03 That is exactly why I do what I do…not just for me, but to hopefully help others. #specialteams |
1:53 am | jterzieff: | RT @sneakpeekatme: @friedah03 That is exactly why I do what I do…not just for me, but to hopefully help others. #specialteams |
1:53 am | g_r_v: | RT @SpecTeams: Again, you can find out more about @AutismMomExpert and efforts here: http://www.amaliastarrspeakerautism.com/ #specialteams |
1:53 am | jterzieff: | RT @g_r_v: @AutismMomExpert Your story is very encouraging. Esp after the one psych report was so dismal in expectations for my son. #specialteams |
1:54 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams Yes, and Independence will look differently for each child… #autism #specialteams |
1:54 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Parents need to take care of themselves first and then they will have more to give. I know how do I find the time? #specialteams |
1:55 am | sneakpeekatme: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams Parents need to take care of themselves first and then they will have more to give. #specialteams |
1:55 am | AutismMomExpert: | @jterzieff Yes all the professionals who treated Brandon only had bad news to share with me. After a while I gaveup listening #specialteams |
1:56 am | g_r_v: | @AutismMomExpert I work with: If I don’t take care of myself, who will take care of my son? #specialteams |
1:57 am | AutismMomExpert: | We don’t have to listen to others when they tell us our child cannot do something. We need to listen to our hearts keep moving #specialteams |
1:57 am | SpecTeams: | @AutismMomExpert Is there a place where we can find a speaking schedule for you? (Any plans to come to the Tampa area?) #specialteams |
1:57 am | sneakpeekatme: | @g_r_v Excellent strategy! #specialteams |
1:57 am | SpecTeams: | RT @g_r_v: @AutismMomExpert I work with: If I dont take care of myself, who will take care of my son? >> Nicely said! #specialteams |
1:58 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams I have no plans for the Tampa area righ now,but would love to be invited to speak if anyone knows of someone. #specialteams |
1:58 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: We don’t have to listen to others when they tell us our child cannot do something. We need to listen to our hearts keep moving #specialteams |
1:58 am | SpecTeams: | Wow – I just looked at the time! Any last minute questions for our GREAT guest @AutismMomExpert ?? #specialteams |
1:58 am | g_r_v: | @SpecTeams It works! The doctors were shocked how I went from severe steroid dep asthmatic to mild asthma when I had my son #specialteams |
1:59 am | SpecTeams: | Amalia – @AutismMomExpert – thank you so much for this really inspirational chat! It’s an amazing story! #autism #specialneeds #specialteams |
1:59 am | g_r_v: | @AutismMomExpert What is the most important thing/advice you have learned through your experience? #specialteams |
2:00 am | AutismMomExpert: | As parents, we hold te key to our children’s future. Turn that key and help your child reach the highest level possible. #specialteams |
2:00 am | g_r_v: | RT @AutismMomExpert: As parents, we hold te key to our children’s future. Turn that key and help your child reach the highest level possible. #specialteams |
2:00 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: As parents, we hold te key to our children’s future. Turn that key and help your child reach the highest level possible. #specialteams |
2:01 am | SpecTeams: | Follow Amalia on twitter as @AutismMomExpert And learn more about her on her wbsite http://www.amaliastarrspeakerautism.com/ #specialteams |
2:01 am | AutismMomExpert: | As moms we all have it is us. I have great faith in each and every one of you. Our kids all depend on us. Stay healthy! #specialteams |
2:02 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: As moms we all have it is us. I have great faith in each and every one of you. Our kids all depend on us. Stay healthy! #specialteams |
2:03 am | AutismMomExpert: | It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, but I say again take care of yourself first, find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:03 am | SpecTeams: | This has been great – thanks everyone for jumping in, listening, and gaining from @AutismMomExpert ‘s experiences #specialteams |
2:04 am | DrLynneKenney: | RT @AutismMomExpert It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, take care of yourself first find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:04 am | SpecTeams: | We are still working on an alternative to the Ning – we’ll update as soon as we settle on an alternative #specialteams |
2:04 am | zebrafinch: | RT @AutismMomExpert: It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, but I say again take care of yourself first, find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:05 am | SpecTeams: | RT @DrLynneKenney: RT @AutismMomExpert It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, take care of yourself first find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:05 am | SpecTeams: | And especially a very big thank you to Amalia @AutismMomExpert for sharing her amazing story #autism #specialneeds . #specialteams |
2:05 am | AutismMomExpert: | @SpecTeams Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard. I love what I do helping parents with special needs children. #specialteams |
2:06 am | SpecTeams: | RT @AutismMomExpert: @SpecTeams Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard. I love what I do helping parents with special needs children. #specialteams |
2:07 am | SpecTeams: | Good night and thank you everyone! Great to connect as always – and see some new tweeple joining in #specialteams |
2:09 am | TheRealDaniG: | RT @AutismMomExpert: We don’t have to listen to others when they tell us our child cannot do something. We need to listen to our hearts keep moving #specialteams |
2:14 am | GaryBrannigan: | RT @AutismMomExpert: It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, but I say again take care of yourself first, find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:17 am | MeltdownfreeDis: | RT @AutismMomExpert: It’s not easy to raise a special needs child, but I say again take care of yourself first, find help, support & assistance. #specialteams |
2:21 am | TannersDad: | RT @AutismMomExpert: As parents, we hold te key to our children’s future. Turn that key and help your child reach the highest level possible. #specialteams |
2:55 am | KizMe1: | RT @AutismMomExpert: As parents, we hold te key to our children’s future. Turn that key and help your child reach the highest level possible. #specialteams |
Hello Juliette,
Thank you so much fro posting the chat. As you know I had technical difficulties, and I had to go in and out of the chat to make it work. I missed a lot of tweets, and thanks to you I get to see what I missed. I really enjoyed myself and thank you again for asking me be a guest in your chatroom. I wish everyone @specialteams all the best. You are a great group!
Amalia Starr
Amalia –
Thank you again both for fighting through the tech-glitches and for your inspirational words of comfort and encouragement to the group.
I hope we’ll be able to work together again in the future!