#TeamVamp Chat Transcript – March 28, 2010 with guest author Gabrielle Faust @VampireFaust
VampTeam: | Coffin lid opening! Come join us @ http://tweetchat.com/room/teamvamp for chat with author Gabrielle Faust a.k.a. @VampireFaust #teamvamp | |
2:59 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampTeam: Coffin lid opening! Come join us @ http://tweetchat.com/room/teamvamp for chat with author Gabrielle Faust a.k.a. @VampireFaust #teamvamp |
2:59 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: Coffin lid opening! Come join us @ http://tweetchat.com/room/teamvamp for chat with author Gabrielle Faust a.k.a. @VampireFaust #teamvamp |
3:00 am | vampwriter25: | Hiya all!!!!! #teamvamp |
3:00 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Thank you for having me on your chat tonight #teamvamp #vampires |
3:00 am | VampTeam: | Quick coffin-keeping note: If u r following along in tweetchat, make sure the refresh speed (in tool bar) is set at 5 seconds … #teamvamp |
3:01 am | KattyVamp: | Hello all… #teamvamp |
3:01 am | vampwriter25: | Remember to change your ‘Refresh Speed’ to 5 seconds 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:01 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Hello Gabrielle! Thank you for taking the time to join us here tonight! #teamvamp |
3:01 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Hey, thanks so much for coming!!! #teamvamp |
3:01 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam *snort* you beat me to it… ahhahaha #teamvamp |
3:02 am | Sparrowbug: | (Goofy question… why on the five second thing?) #teamvamp |
3:02 am | VampTeam: | As we’re chatting fan(G)s n ghouls, check out Gabrielle’s web site http://www.gabriellefaust.com/ #teamvamp |
3:02 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 My pleasure! #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:03 am | VampTeam: | For those of us who don’t know @VampireFaust can you tell us a bit about the Eternal Vigilance saga? #teamvamp |
3:03 am | vampwriter25: | @Sparrowbug Otherwise it takes FOREVER for the tweets to pop up #teamvamp |
3:03 am | VampTeam: | @Sparrowbug not goofy! it helps tweetchat to update faster that way 😉 #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampireFaust: | Eternal Vigilance is a post-apocalyptic vampire saga set 100 years in the future after the rise of a techno-dictatorship #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:04 am | VampireFaust: | It’s told 1st person through the eyes of an ancient vampire who wakes up to be drawn into the rebel uprising. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:05 am | VampTeam: | #teamvamp chat with author Gabrielle Faust happening now http://tweetchat.com/room/teamvamp |
3:05 am | VampireFaust: | You can read reviews, view the book trailer and the full synopsis here –> http://www.gabriellefaust.com/about-the-book #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:05 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: #teamvamp chat with author Gabrielle Faust happening now http://tweetchat.com/room/teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust it’s a multi-book series crrect? did it start out that way in your mind? or develop as u went along? #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: You can read reviews, view the book trailer and the full synopsis here –> http://www.gabriellefaust.com/about-the-book #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:06 am | VampireFaust: | Currently the 1st 2 books are available. The 3rd will be out in late September. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:07 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust and can you tell us a bit about your writing process? time to write? road to publication? #teamvamp |
3:07 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Yes. I’ve broken the series into two trilogies. The 1st 3 are the downfall of the empire. The next is after. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:07 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: Currently the 1st 2 books are available. The 3rd will be out in late September. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:08 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam Yes. I’ve broken the series into two trilogies. The 1st 3 are the downfall of the empire. The next is after. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:08 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Well, actually it started from a short story I wrote in college. A few years later it evolved into an epic. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:08 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: Currently the 1st 2 books are available. The 3rd will be out in late September. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:08 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam Yes. I’ve broken the series into two trilogies. The 1st 3 are the downfall of the empire. The next is after. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:09 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam The first book I wrote over a 4 yr process. I wasn’t on a deadline at that time. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:09 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam The second book took about a year and half. The third, likewise. I estimate the same for the 4th. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam The first book I wrote over a 4 yr process. I wasn’t on a deadline at that time. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam The second book took about a year and half. The third, likewise. I estimate the same for the 4th. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:10 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam I was actually very lucky with my publishing venture. My publisher is actually Storm Constantine. #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:11 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Storm was one of my idols growing up & became my mentor. She then offered to publish me under her indie press #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:11 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Wow, that’s amazing! #teamvamp |
3:11 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Wow! Nice! #teamvamp |
3:12 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 It’s very unusual to have such an experience in publishing. I consider myself very lucky. #teamvamp |
3:12 am | VampTeam: | Not sure if it’s just my connection, but refresh is still slow – so go ahead and ask your questions fan(G)s and ghouls! #teamvamp |
3:13 am | Beekeeper12: | hello everyone, good evening. #teamvamp |
3:13 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Absolutely! You always hear about the publishing nightmares! hah #teamvamp |
3:13 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust absolutely!!!! most of us writers DREAD the query, agent search part #teamvamp |
3:13 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 Hello & good evening. #teamvamp |
3:14 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | I want to know about your name. Is Gabrielle your pen name or real name? #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampTeam: | @Beekeeper12 Hello hello! author Gabrielle Faust, @VampireFaust, author of Eternal Vigilance taking our questions! #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 The publishing industry is brutal. I often think just as bad, if not worse than the music or film industry. #teamvamp |
3:14 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | and hi everyone #teamvamp |
3:14 am | VampireFaust: | @jterzieff I don’t have an agent at the moment. I’ve done everything myself. But I have a background in marketing which helps. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | Beekeeper12: | Oh, that’s great! Hello @VampireFaust #teamvamp |
3:15 am | vampwriter25: | @Beekeeper12 Hiya :)~ #teamvamp |
3:15 am | VampireFaust: | @BlackbutterflyQ No, Gabrielle Faust is my actual name. I lucked out. The one thing my parents got right, I say. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:15 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam thank u…. ! Sorry I’m late. #teamvamp |
3:15 am | VampTeam: | @BlackbutterflyQ Hi there! Welcome to the coffin! *snort* we’re a weird bunch, but lovable #teamvamp |
3:16 am | Beekeeper12: | @vampwriter25 Hiya! #teamvamp |
3:16 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust It’s a pretty good name, actually. Perfect 4 a writer. #teamvamp |
3:16 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust Wow – interesting! No agent ….. but cool! so how do you handle the marketing??? #teamvamp |
3:17 am | A_Banana_Tweets: | Good evening… sorry I’m late! #teamvamp |
3:17 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Ok, so I’ve got a Q, we talked about it last week, and I’m wondering about your experience……. #teamvamp |
3:17 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | The reason why I asked is that the name Gabrielle Faust really is a vampire name. #teamvamp |
3:17 am | VampireFaust: | To all of my #twitter followers, join me in the #teamvamp chat feed! I’m answering all of your questions tonight! #teamvamp |
3:17 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | Thanks, glad to be here a minute. #teamvamp |
3:17 am | VampTeam: | @A_Banana_Tweets Hey lady! Welcome! Author Gabrielle Faust @VampireFaust is taking our questions #teamvamp |
3:18 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Did you choose the name of your book? Did your publisher change it? etc….? #teamvamp |
3:18 am | VampireFaust: | @jterzieff I approach marketing like I’m building a brand. It’s an entire identity. Like a company. #teamvamp |
3:18 am | vampwriter25: | @BlackbutterflyQ Is it really? Interesting… #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampTeam: | For those arriving late, here is @VampireFaust ‘s website http://www.gabriellefaust.com/ #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampireFaust: | @jterzieff The brand is then applied from my books across all marketing platforms from twitter to websites, etc. #teamvamp |
3:19 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 Yes, I chose the name of my books. I was very adamant about that. #teamvamp |
3:19 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust Interesting — so do you look at it as building Gabrielle as a brand; or Eternal Vigilance; or both? #teamvamp |
3:20 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Ahh… so there is hope! Hahha, that’s my nightmare, I’m very *attached* to my title… hah #teamvamp |
3:20 am | VampireFaust: | @jterieff Both really. I am my work. My work is my identity. But the marketing has to be consistent so that people recognize it. #teamvamp |
3:21 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust That’s actually very clever, make ur own name a complete brand..It’s exactly that, ur own name as a company itself. #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampireFaust: | @jterzieff I was in advertising for 10 years as an art director. So I approached my book marketing like I was branding a start-up. #teamvamp |
3:21 am | VampireFaust: | @jterieff For me it makes it easier to manage all of the many social media outlets we have to maintain these days. #teamvamp |
3:22 am | NickCato: | Do you find it hard/tiring writing several novels with the same characters? #teamvamp |
3:22 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust For those who don’t have the marketing background – what tips would you give new writers? #teamvamp |
3:22 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 Exactly. Then, later down the line it’s applied to merchandise, comic books, etc. when that happens. #teamvamp |
3:23 am | VampireFaust: | @NickCato Actually no. I love working on multiple novels w/ the same characters because I can explore them on a deeper level. #teamvamp |
3:23 am | VampireFaust: | @NickCato However, at times they do start to drive me crazy. Like insane family members you know a little too well. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:24 am | NickCato: | hehe–gotcha #teamvamp |
3:24 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust Yes, that’s what I thought! So there’s a whole market starting from the books. #teamvamp |
3:24 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam I would advise all new writers to take a course in marketing at your local community college & buy books on it. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | What formats are your books available in? #teamvamp |
3:25 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam I would advise all new writers to take a course in marketing at your local community college & buy books on it. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Publishers expect authors to do MOST of the work these days. You’re pretty much on your own. #teamvamp |
3:25 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam Publishers expect authors to do MOST of the work these days. You’re pretty much on your own. #teamvamp |
3:26 am | VampireFaust: | @BlackbutterflyQ My books are available in all ebook formats from Sony ereader to ipad, as well as trade paperback. #teamvamp |
3:26 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Whic outlets have been most successful for you? Twitter? Facebook? Blog? In person appearances? #teamvamp |
3:27 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Twitter has been ah-mazing. So has facebook. But it has been my own site I think that has been the best outlet. #teamvamp |
3:27 am | Beekeeper12: | Eternal Vigilance has 4.5 stars (amazon.com) Wow, impressive. #teamvamp |
3:27 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Also, doing the convention circuit. You have to get out and talk to people. Develope that human interaction. #teamvamp |
3:28 am | jterzieff: | RT @Beekeeper12: Eternal Vigilance has 4.5 stars (amazon.com) Wow, impressive. #teamvamp |
3:28 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 I have been overwhelmingly touched by the support of my readership & the great reviews. 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:29 am | MistressTamara: | Hello all! #teamvamp |
3:29 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Speaking of conventions — you are helping to organize one for 2011 right? can you tell us a bit about it? #teamvamp |
3:30 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust That’s great! Congratulations. At this side, u have all our support. #teamvamp |
3:30 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Yes, I’m handling the graphic design aspect of the 2011 World Horror Convention in Austin, TX #ATX #teamvamp |
3:30 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam The World Horror Con is an international convention of horror fans & pros. Primarily literary. #teamvamp |
3:31 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam WHC was in Brighton this weekend actually. #teamvamp |
3:31 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam The World Horror Con is an international convention of horror fans & pros. Primarily literary. #teamvamp |
3:31 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam more info on the 2011 event can be found at http://www.whc2011.org #horror #teamvamp |
3:32 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 Thank you so much! 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:32 am | Beekeeper12: | I know which book am I buying right now… Yes, exactly 😉 Thank u @VampireFaust #teamvamp |
3:32 am | A_Banana_Tweets: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam more info on the 2011 event can be found at http://www.whc2011.org #horror #teamvamp |
3:33 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam more info on the 2011 event can be found at http://www.whc2011.org #horror #teamvamp |
3:33 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam more info on the 2011 event can be found at http://www.whc2011.org #horror #teamvamp |
3:34 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Back to the writing for a moment – where did you find your inspiration for the series? #teamvamp |
3:34 am | A_Banana_Tweets: | I seem to be having technical difficulties…. but trying to keep up #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:35 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam I wanted to develop a unique interpretation of the #vampire mythos which combined my love of #scifi & #horror… #teamvamp |
3:35 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam At the time I was writing the 1st book, 9-11 had just occurred & politics were at the forefront of my mind…. #teamvamp |
3:36 am | VampTeam: | @A_Banana_Tweets no worries! I’ll post the transcript — just throw your questions out #teamvamp |
3:36 am | Sparrowbug: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam I wanted to develop a unique interpretation of the #vampire mythos which combined my love of #scifi & #horror… #teamvamp |
3:37 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam & the rise & fall of civilizations. I wanted a way 2 explore the philosophical aspects of religion vs. governments. #teamvamp |
3:37 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam At the time I was writing the 1st book, 9-11 had just occurred & politics were at the forefront of my mind…. #teamvamp |
3:37 am | Jinxie_G: | Crap, I’m late. Sorry. What’s the topic? #teamvamp |
3:37 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam I had yet to find a #vampire series that really tackled some of the more heavy issues and so I invented my own. #teamvamp |
3:38 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | Which of your characters do you like, identify with or dislike the most and why. #teamvamp |
3:39 am | MistressTamara: | @Jinxie_G don’t feel bad I’m late too! #teamvamp |
3:39 am | VampireFaust: | @BlackbutterflyQ I really identify intensely with all of my characters but the most are Tynan & Khanna… #teamvamp |
3:39 am | VampTeam: | @Jinxie_G hey girl! Gabrielle Faust, author of Eternal Vigilance taking rou questions … and she’s AMAZING! #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust #scifi & #vamps my 2 fav genres…. Excellent! #teamvamp |
3:39 am | Jinxie_G: | @MistressTamara Ah, good. I don’t feel so bad then. =) #teamvamp |
3:39 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam & the rise & fall of civilizations. I wanted a way 2 explore the philosophical aspects of religion vs. governments. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam I had yet to find a #vampire series that really tackled some of the more heavy issues and so I invented my own. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | VampireFaust: | @BlackbutterflyQ Tynan because he is my male counterpart. He is the fierce philosophical artist. The rebel. The crusader. #teamvamp |
3:40 am | VampireFaust: | @BlackbutterflyQ Khanna because she is the fierce warrior up against the world. She thinks she’s invincible, but it’s her weakness #teamvamp |
3:40 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampTeam Cool, thanks. I’ll have to look into that book. =) #teamvamp |
3:42 am | MistressTamara: | I’m always on the look out for new books to read #teamvamp |
3:42 am | VampTeam: | @MistressTamara Gabrielle’s sound amazing!!! Top of my April reading list! #teamvamp |
3:42 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | I def want these books. #teamvamp |
3:43 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them! I’ve poured my heart and soul into this series. #eternalvigilance #vampires #teamvamp |
3:44 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam I know right!?! My list is getting long! #teamvamp |
3:44 am | Beekeeper12: | RT @BlackbutterflyQ: I def want these books. #teamvamp |
3:44 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Did you have past experience writing? #teamvamp |
3:44 am | VampTeam: | Once again, here’s is Gabrielle’s site: http://www.gabriellefaust.com/ #teamvamp |
3:44 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 LOL! I know the feeling. I have a stack on my desk a mile high. #books #teamvamp |
3:45 am | VampTeam: | She is also on Twitter (obviously) as @VampireFaust and you can find her prowling around the convention circuit! #teamvamp |
3:45 am | Beekeeper12: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them! Ive poured my heart and soul into this series. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 I’ve always written. From the time I was very young. Both of my grandparents were poets & playwrights. #teamvamp |
3:45 am | A_Banana_Tweets: | I will definitely be adding this series to my reading list #teamvamp #teamvamp |
3:46 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Tell me about it! I am reading 6 books right now – LOL – and working on my own. #teamvamp |
3:46 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 And I wrote A LOT of ad copy as an art director, but my personal writing career didn’t start until about 6 yrs ago. #teamvamp |
3:46 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Ahh, so it’s in your blood! That’s awesome! What sort of ‘research’ did you do for this series? #teamvamp |
3:46 am | VampireFaust: | @A_Banana_Tweets Excellent! Thank you! #teamvamp |
3:46 am | Beekeeper12: | @A_Banana_Tweets Yes, u should!! Me too… #teamvamp |
3:47 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Do you have any public appearances coming up where we might run into you? (Beside the 2011 convention – of course!) #teamvamp |
3:47 am | Sparrowbug: | Great legacy RT @VampireFaust: Always written from the time I was very young. Both of my grandparents were poets & playwrights. #teamvamp |
3:47 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam I know! I’ll have to pick up her books. OMG that just adds more to my to read list LOL #teamvamp |
3:47 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 I had to do a lot of research on the back history of each character to make sure their age/races were realistic #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampTeam: | RT @MistressTamara: @VampTeam I know! I’ll have to pick up her books. OMG that just adds more to my to read list LOL #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampTeam: | RT @Sparrowbug: Great legacy RT @VampireFaust: Always written from the time I was very young. Both of my grandparents were poets & playwrights. #teamvamp |
3:48 am | Beekeeper12: | @MistressTamara It’s happening to me… I just cannot stop buying new books! #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 I also did extensive research on war strategies, the history of major civilizations such as the Roman Empire, etc. #teamvamp |
3:48 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 That is added to my life-long obsession with #vampires and vampire mythology. #teamvamp |
3:49 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Do you have an ensemble of characters? #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampTeam: | @VampireFaust Seeing as we’re all going 2 run out and buy them (RIGHT gang?!?!) can you tell us where the main action takes place? #teamvamp |
3:49 am | MistressTamara: | @Beekeeper12 It’s addicting. Isn’t it? #teamvamp |
3:49 am | VampireFaust: | @Sparrowbug My family, on my father’s side dates back generations with actors, writers, journalists, etc. Insane tree! 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:49 am | SayVampire: | RT @BlackbutterflyQ The reason why I asked is that the name Gabrielle Faust really is a vampire name. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @Sparrowbug My family, on my father’s side dates back generations with actors, writers, journalists, etc. Insane tree! 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:50 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust That’s great, when a fictional story has elements based on history, u can feel it as something real. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 I do have an ensemble of characters. Unfortunately I’ve killed off about 6 already. Ah, tragic. LOL! #teamvamp |
3:50 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust That’s amazing… I’d like to do a book about my mc vamp BEFORE book 1, though it’ll be very time consuming….. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | Sparrowbug: | @VampireFaust Possibly insane, but creativity is a beautiful insanity. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust …certain historical aspects correct. #teamvamp |
3:50 am | VampireFaust: | @SayVampire LOL! I suppose it is the perfect vampire name isn’t it. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:51 am | Beekeeper12: | @MistressTamara Yes, totally. At least it doesn’t hurt anybody! #teamvamp |
3:51 am | VampTeam: | RT @Sparrowbug @VampireFaust Possibly insane, but creativity is a beautiful insanity. #teamvamp >> LOL! insane,shmane – sounds great! |
3:51 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Hah, I’m actually *glad* to hear that! One of mine is going to die in book 2 and I was worried about that #teamvamp |
3:51 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 I always have said that America is in it’s “Roman Empire” stage. All great civilizations fall, but what happens next? #teamvamp |
3:52 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: Once again, here’s is Gabrielle’s site: http://www.gabriellefaust.com/ #teamvamp |
3:52 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampTeam: She is also on Twitter (obviously) as @VampireFaust and you can find her prowling around the convention circuit! #teamvamp |
3:52 am | MistressTamara: | @Beekeeper12 My problem is that I keep running out of books to read. 🙁 I’m a very fast reader #teamvamp |
3:52 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam The World Horror Con is an international convention of horror fans & pros. Primarily literary. #teamvamp |
3:52 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @VampTeam more info on the 2011 event can be found at http://www.whc2011.org #horror #teamvamp |
3:52 am | VampireFaust: | @Beekeeper12 That’s what I wanted to explore. What happens when another government rises that’s more powerful?What would vamps do? #teamvamp |
3:53 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust I was telling my mom what I ‘thought’ was going to happen, she got all upset about that chara dying… #teamvamp |
3:53 am | Sparrowbug: | I like that. 🙂 RT @VampireFaust America is in its “Roman Empire” stage. All great civilizations fall, but what happens next? #teamvamp |
3:53 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust I agree! my husband and i have been saying that for the last 6 years! (bout Roman Empire stage) #teamvamp |
3:53 am | VampireFaust: | @MistressTamara Well, I have 2 vamp novels, a 3rd on the way, a demon book also due out at the end of 2011 & 2 poetry books. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:53 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust My mom’s the only one who’s read book 1 in it’s entirety, apparently she feels ‘attached’ to that chara hahah #teamvamp |
3:53 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @Beekeeper12 That’s what I wanted to explore. What happens when another government rises that’s more powerful?What would vamps do? #teamvamp |
3:54 am | jterzieff: | @vampwriter25 @VampireFaust imagine it must be tough to kill off characters you have put so much into …. #teamvamp |
3:54 am | VampireFaust: | @Sparrowbug Thank you. Conservatives say I’m “Unpatriotic” when I say that but it’s just observing history. #teamvamp |
3:54 am | MistressTamara: | @VampireFaust can i purchase books thru your website or amazon? #teamvamp |
3:54 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: @MistressTamara Well, I have 2 vamp novels, a 3rd on the way, a demon book also due out at the end of 2011 & 2 poetry books. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:55 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust Great questions! Makes u think… what about ”if” ?That’s what makes a great book. #teamvamp |
3:55 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 Aw, that is so wonderful to hear that you’re mom is attached to the characters! 🙂 #teamvamp |
3:55 am | Beekeeper12: | @MistressTamara I know the feeling!!! #teamvamp |
3:55 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust LOL – yes, i bet the conservatives love you #teamvamp |
3:55 am | jterzieff: | RT @Beekeeper12: @VampireFaust Great questions! Makes u think… what about ”if” ?That’s what makes a great book. #teamvamp |
3:55 am | jterzieff: | RT @MistressTamara: @VampireFaust can i purchase books thru your website or amazon? #teamvamp |
3:55 am | VampireFaust: | I have to admit that I made my editor cry with the second book…and I have a feeling she’s not happy with me on book 3. LOL! #teamvamp |
3:56 am | Sparrowbug: | @VampireFaust No way… some need to be able to objectively view this world and compare it to the past or we’ve learned nothing. #teamvamp |
3:56 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust @jterzieff Well, this particular character isn’t a ‘main’ chara, though she and her death are essential for book 2 #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampTeam: | RT @Sparrowbug: @VampireFaust No way… some need to be able to objectively view this world and compare it to the past or we’ve learned nothing. #teamvamp |
3:56 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | Possible vampire name for a character in your next book: Giselle Choiseul. #teamvamp |
3:56 am | Beekeeper12: | @MistressTamara I’m doing it thru amazon… lol #teamvamp |
3:56 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Yea, she got more upset when I said, “well, she hangs out with vamps, what do you expect!!!” #teamvamp |
3:56 am | VampireFaust: | @MistressTamara You can purchase the books either through Amazon, B&N’s website, my site or pretty much any store can order them. #teamvamp |
3:57 am | jterzieff: | Well said !!!! @Sparrowbug …. truth and the search for it is never unpatriotic, it is simply truth …. #teamvamp |
3:57 am | VampTeam: | RT @VampireFaust: @MistressTamara You can purchase the books either through Amazon, B&N’s website, my site or pretty much any store can order them. #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampireFaust: | RT @jterzieff: Well said !!!! @Sparrowbug …. truth and the search for it is never unpatriotic, it is simply truth …. #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampTeam: | RT @vampwriter25: @VampireFaust Yea, she got more upset when I said, “well, she hangs out with vamps, what do you expect!!!” #teamvamp |
3:58 am | VampireFaust: | @vampwriter25 LOL! Yes, my vampires do not sparkle, do they. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:58 am | Beekeeper12: | @MistressTamara Thank u 4 the follow! That’s u in the pic? #teamvamp |
3:59 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam Hahahahah….. bitches tend to die when they run with vamps! hahahaha #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Sparrowbug: | Amen, JT. RT @jterzieff: Truth and the search for it is never unpatriotic, it is simply truth …. #teamvamp |
3:59 am | VampTeam: | Ok fan(G)s n Ghouls the coffin lid is about to come down — a big bloody thank you to @VampireFaust for being our guest tonight #teamvamp |
3:59 am | Beekeeper12: | Thanks God!! lol RT @VampireFaust: @vampwriter25 LOL! Yes, my vampires do not sparkle, do they. 😉 #teamvamp |
3:59 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Mine neither!!! Tho it is YA, they’re a bit more naughty >:)~ #teamvamp |
3:59 am | VampireFaust: | @Sparrowbug I think people are starting to finally wake up an really take a look at life and history. Times are a’ changing… #teamvamp |
4:00 am | MistressTamara: | @Beekeeper12 No. I wish. That’s Tamara Hightower, one of my vamp characters in my series. #teamvamp |
4:00 am | VampireFaust: | But it’s a fun way to go. 😉 RT @vampwriter25: @VampTeam Hahahahah….. bitches tend to die when they run with vamps! ha #teamvamp |
4:00 am | vampwriter25: | ALTHOUGH I do adore Edward….. my vamps can be seen as more ‘realistic’…. :)~ #teamvamp |
4:01 am | jterzieff: | @VampireFaust @Sparrowbug i hope so! my day job tells me different, but a girl can hope!!! Eternally! #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust Thank u so much 4 sharing this moment with us! Hope 2 keep in touch thru Twitter… Thank u! #teamvamp |
4:01 am | VampTeam: | @vampwriter25 LOL – who doesn’t adore Edward?!? #teamvamp |
4:01 am | VampireFaust: | @VampTeam Thank you so much for having me be a part of your chat tonight!!! Bites & Kisses to all of you!!! #teamvamp |
4:01 am | MistressTamara: | This was great! Thanks for introducing me to a new series. #teamvamp |
4:01 am | Sparrowbug: | @VampireFaust Yet, we see the mistakes of past civilizations repeat. I find dystopian fiction interesting that way. New oldness. #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam I don’t…. lol #teamvamp |
4:02 am | MistressTamara: | @VampTeam uh, me! I’m total Team Alice #teamvamp |
4:02 am | VampTeam: | But seriously – thank you so much Gabrielle!!! You were wonderful! I hope we’ll see u here again – and some day in person! #teamvamp |
4:02 am | VampireFaust: | Please keep in touch via Twitter & let me know your thoughts on the series! #teamvamp |
4:02 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam :)~ And all his miserableness….. hahahha #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Jinxie_G: | @VampireFaust Will definitely have to take a look into your books. =) #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam *raises hand* #teamvamp |
4:02 am | Sparrowbug: | @VampireFaust So… would that be X VV X VV ? #teamvamp |
4:03 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust Of course we will!!! I’m just buying them right now. #teamvamp |
4:03 am | jterzieff: | RT @VampireFaust: Please keep in touch via Twitter & let me know your thoughts on the series! #teamvamp |
4:03 am | MistressTamara: | Good night all. Hopefully I’ll see you next week. #teamvamp |
4:03 am | VampireFaust: | LOL! Indeed! RT @Sparrowbug: So… would that be X VV X VV ? #teamvamp |
4:03 am | VampTeam: | hey @Jinxie_G @wookiesgirl – thanks for popping in! #teamvamp |
4:04 am | VampireFaust: | Good night everyone! Sleep tight and let the vampires bite! 😉 V”’V #teamvamp |
4:04 am | VampTeam: | I think @Vampire Faust is still prowling if u want to ask a quick question! #teamvamp |
4:04 am | vampwriter25: | @VampireFaust Thanks so much!!! #teamvamp |
4:04 am | VampTeam: | Whhoop! no, there she goes….. #teamvamp |
4:04 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampireFaust Have a very good nite… And thank u again. #teamvamp |
4:04 am | vampwriter25: | @VampTeam hahhahhaha #teamvamp |
4:05 am | Jinxie_G: | No questions. Just browsing her website right now. =) #teamvamp |
4:06 am | VampTeam: | @Jinxie_G Cool!!!! She’s pretty awesome — and she was really nice! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | Beekeeper12: | @VampTeam She rocks! #teamvamp |
4:06 am | Sparrowbug: | RT @VampireFaust: Good night everyone! Sleep tight and let the vampires bite! 😉 V”’V #teamvamp |
4:07 am | Beekeeper12: | @Sparrowbug G’nite!!! see u next week 😉 #teamvamp |
4:07 am | VampTeam: | @Beekeeper12 Yeah she does!!!!!! #teamvamp |
4:08 am | VampTeam: | Ok, night all!!! More next week live from the coffin! #teamvamp |
4:09 am | jterzieff: | RT @Sparrowbug: Amen, JT. RT @jterzieff: Truth and the search for it is never unpatriotic, it is simply truth …. #teamvamp |
4:15 am | Wookiesgirl: | @VampTeam MWUAH! #teamvamp |
4:20 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @BlackbutterflyQ Tynan because he is my male counterpart. He is the fierce philosophical artist. The rebel. The crusader. #teamvamp |
4:21 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @BlackbutterflyQ I really identify intensely with all of my characters but the most are Tynan & Khanna… #teamvamp |
4:21 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @BlackbutterflyQ Khanna because she is the fierce warrior up against the world. She thinks she’s invincible, but it’s her weakness #teamvamp |
4:26 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @BlackbutterflyQ My books are available in all ebook formats from Sony ereader to ipad, as well as trade paperback. #teamvamp |
4:28 am | BlackbutterflyQ: | RT @VampireFaust: @BlackbutterflyQ No, Gabrielle Faust is my actual name. I lucked out. The one thing my parents got right, I say. 😉 #teamvamp |
4:37 am | lamebatz7: | @VampireFaust I saw u back in Oct. @ The Vamp Ball in New Orleans! Love your books! Simply Fangtastic! #teamvamp |
10:45 pm | VampireFaust: | New ?True Blood: Season 3 promo featuring Sam Trammell |